Home - RFF and Outdoor QRP Activity Group Outdoor QRP Activity Group. "Russian Flora and Fauna" (RFF) for HAMs. Terms, Rules, awards, stories etc. http://www.outdoorqrp.org/49-ff-en 2024-05-03T23:29:34+00:00 Outdoor QRP Activity Group info [AT] outdoorqrp [DOT] org Joomla! - Open Source Content Management WWFF August Activity Month 2023-07-13T13:51:00+00:00 2023-07-13T13:51:00+00:00 http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/wwff-events/wwff-activity-month-2023 RN3ANT RN3ANT [AT] uqrqc [DOT] ru <p><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/Logo-WWFF-August-Activity-Month-840.png" alt="Activity's Logo" title="Activity's Logo" caption="false" class="pull-left" width="400" height="400" /></p> <p>WWFF Team would like to invite all WWFF Activators and Hunters to participate in “The WWFF August Activity Month”:</p> <p>The activity event will start on Tuesday, August 1<sup>st</sup> at 00:01 UTC and finish on Tuesday, August 31<sup>st</sup> at 23:59 UTC.</p> <p>WWFF Activators are invited to aired from as many as possible WWFF areas.</p> <p>A big oppertunity for our hunters to work new WWFF areas and increase their scores.</p> <p>We recommend for all Activators to use the <a href="https://wwff.co/agenda/">WWFF Agenda</a> and the <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/WWFF44/">WWFF Facebook Group</a> to inform the WWFF Hunter community about their plans.</p> <p>After each activity the Activators have to send their logs to the log manager, responsible for the areas they activated.</p> <p>The deadline for sending logs to count towards this special event is September 9<sup>th</sup>.</p> <p>To facilitate the special award processing we ask the activators — especially when using vanity/special event calls or group calls — to make sure the «;operator» field in their logs is populated with their home callsign.</p> <p>The log uploaders then have a week to check and upload the logs. By September 16<sup>th</sup> we will start generating the awards and ranklists based on the available data in WWFF LogSearch.</p> <h3>Participation Awards</h3> <p>On September 16<sup>th</sup> WWFF will publish awards for Activators and Hunters.</p> <h4>ACTIVATOR PARTICIPATION AWARD</h4> <p>For activating WWFF references during “The WWFF August Activity Month“ activators should cummulate at least 220 QSOs from valid WWFF reference(s).</p> <h4>HUNTER AWARDS</h4> <p>For hunting WWFF references during The WWFF August Activity Month:</p> <ul> <li>One more star for each 44 WWFF references hunted!!!</li> <li>6 Stars — 264 WWFF references hunted</li> <li>5 Stars — 220 WWFF references hunted</li> <li>4 Stars — 176 WWFF references hunted</li> <li>3 Stars — 132 WWFF references hunted</li> <li>2 Stars — 88 WWFF references hunted</li> <li>1 Star — 44 WWFF references hunted</li> <li>Half Star — 22 WWFF references hunted</li> </ul> <p><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/Logo-WWFF-August-Activity-Month-840.png" alt="Activity's Logo" title="Activity's Logo" caption="false" class="pull-left" width="400" height="400" /></p> <p>WWFF Team would like to invite all WWFF Activators and Hunters to participate in “The WWFF August Activity Month”:</p> <p>The activity event will start on Tuesday, August 1<sup>st</sup> at 00:01 UTC and finish on Tuesday, August 31<sup>st</sup> at 23:59 UTC.</p> <p>WWFF Activators are invited to aired from as many as possible WWFF areas.</p> <p>A big oppertunity for our hunters to work new WWFF areas and increase their scores.</p> <p>We recommend for all Activators to use the <a href="https://wwff.co/agenda/">WWFF Agenda</a> and the <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/WWFF44/">WWFF Facebook Group</a> to inform the WWFF Hunter community about their plans.</p> <p>After each activity the Activators have to send their logs to the log manager, responsible for the areas they activated.</p> <p>The deadline for sending logs to count towards this special event is September 9<sup>th</sup>.</p> <p>To facilitate the special award processing we ask the activators — especially when using vanity/special event calls or group calls — to make sure the «;operator» field in their logs is populated with their home callsign.</p> <p>The log uploaders then have a week to check and upload the logs. By September 16<sup>th</sup> we will start generating the awards and ranklists based on the available data in WWFF LogSearch.</p> <h3>Participation Awards</h3> <p>On September 16<sup>th</sup> WWFF will publish awards for Activators and Hunters.</p> <h4>ACTIVATOR PARTICIPATION AWARD</h4> <p>For activating WWFF references during “The WWFF August Activity Month“ activators should cummulate at least 220 QSOs from valid WWFF reference(s).</p> <h4>HUNTER AWARDS</h4> <p>For hunting WWFF references during The WWFF August Activity Month:</p> <ul> <li>One more star for each 44 WWFF references hunted!!!</li> <li>6 Stars — 264 WWFF references hunted</li> <li>5 Stars — 220 WWFF references hunted</li> <li>4 Stars — 176 WWFF references hunted</li> <li>3 Stars — 132 WWFF references hunted</li> <li>2 Stars — 88 WWFF references hunted</li> <li>1 Star — 44 WWFF references hunted</li> <li>Half Star — 22 WWFF references hunted</li> </ul> “Russian Flora and Fauna”. Results of 2019 2019-04-06T14:50:56+00:00 2019-04-06T14:50:56+00:00 http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2019 RN3ANT RN3ANT [AT] gmail [DOT] com <p>Results of radio amateurs activity in the RFF (Russian Flora and Fauna) award program for 2019 are summarised.</p> <p>Comparing to results of previous year, the results of 2019 can be represented in one picture:<br /><br /> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/chart-en-2019.jpg" alt="" class="pull-left" /></p> <div class="clearfix"></div> <h4>Results in general</h4> <p>214 logs from 26 individual activators, who activated 116 RFF-references and conducted a total of 20’387 QSO, were uploaded to WWFF Logsearch.</p> <p>Also 4 teams conducted 3’494 QSOs while activating seven RFF references (8 logs):</p> <ul> <li>RZ9SFF from RFF-0398 — 236 QSO;</li> <li>RK9LWZ (and RP74P) from RFF-0137 — 2’243 QSO;</li> <li>R3ARS/4 from RFF-0037, 0067, 0140 and 0171 — 854 QSO;</li> <li>UB5O/M from RFF-0683 — 161 QSO.</li> </ul> <p>Thus, 26 individual operators and 4 teams activated 119 RFF-references, and 23'881 QSOs with 6'452 correspondents were conducted in total. <br />It is impossible to say unequivocally, is 2019 better than 2018, or worse. <br />There are 2.7 times more activations, almost 2.5 times more references activated in 2019, what is undoubtedly much more than in 2018. <br />At the same time, the total number of activators, as well as the number of their QSOs, remained almost the same, and the number of hunters was only 60% compared to 2018.</p> <p>A year ago, we suggested that QSOs with still 1–2...4 RFF references may probably be random, but already with 5 and more — most likely, demonstrate a certain interest of the operator to Flora &amp; Fauna programs. What came out in 2019?</p> <p>843 hunters vs. 537 in the previous year conducted <br />12’050 QSOs compared to 4’798 in the previous year.</p> <p>On the background of an undeniably noticeably increased number of qualified activations, the specific “weight” of one qualified activation significantly decreased:</p> <div style="padding-left: 70px; padding-bottom: 20px;"> <table> <tbody> <tr style="border-color: #2e93d7; text-align: right; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: solid;"> <th width="66"><strong>2018</strong></th> <th width="66"><strong>2019</strong></th> <th width="30"></th> <th style="text-align: left;" width="227"><strong>QSO</strong></th> </tr> <tr style="border-color: #ade1ff; text-align: right; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: dotted;"> <td width="66">193</td> <td width="66">185</td> <td width="30"></td> <td style="text-align: left;" width="227">per reference</td> </tr> <tr style="border-color: #ade1ff; text-align: right; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: dotted;"> <td width="66">131</td> <td width="66">98</td> <td width="30"></td> <td style="text-align: left;" width="227">per activation</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"><br />activations percentage depending on the QSO amount in one activation</td> </tr> <tr style="border-color: #ade1ff; text-align: right; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: dotted;"> <td width="66">59%</td> <td width="66">69%</td> <td width="30"></td> <td style="text-align: left;" width="227">up to 100 per activation</td> </tr> <tr style="border-color: #ade1ff; text-align: right; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: dotted;"> <td width="66">25%</td> <td width="66">22%</td> <td width="30"></td> <td style="text-align: left;" width="227">100–199 per activation</td> </tr> <tr style="border-color: #ade1ff; text-align: right; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: dotted;"> <td width="66">11%</td> <td width="66">6%</td> <td width="30"></td> <td style="text-align: left;" width="227">200–299 per activation</td> </tr> <tr style="border-color: #ade1ff; text-align: right; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: dotted;"> <td width="66">5%</td> <td width="66">3%</td> <td width="30"></td> <td style="text-align: left;" width="227">300 and more per activation</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p>Probably, the explanation for such ambiguous results may be:</p> <ul> <li>on the one hand, the degradation of propagation in 2019 compared to 2018, which made more difficult QSO conducting, especially using low output power,</li> <li>and on the other hand, the implementation of the Rating, a side effect of which turned out boosting the quantity of activated references at the cost the minimum QSO number from one reference.</li> </ul> <p>Perhaps the emergence of a <a href="http://wwff.co/2019/12/wwff-activator-points-award/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">new WWFF award for activators</a> will slightly improve to the better the situation in 2020.</p> <h4>The Rating</h4> <p>The real competition, did not subside until the very last December days, launched between the activators for the first place. There Crimeans got themselves ahead by a considerable margin from the others. Both <strong>Valery R7KFF</strong> and <strong>Victor RA7K</strong> activated 41 references in 2019. But, since there “can be only one champion”, we had to consider additional parameters — for example, the total number of RFF QSOs conducted by each of them: R7KFF — 2800 and RA7K — 2511 QSO.</p> <p>Thus, R7KFF takes I place and RA7K — II place. <br />III place is deservedly taken by our Rising Star — <strong>Ilya</strong> UB3APM (novice category callsign) until recently, then R2ATW (general category callsign), and now <strong>R5AF</strong> (highest, extra class). Ilya quickly mastered operating on the air in whole, and field operation, and, most surprisingly, he mastered CW in the shortest possible time, skilled to transmit by vertical and electronic keys, mastered mechanical semiautomatic key (the so-called vibroplex), and already confidently conducting QSO at a speed of 25, and even more WPM. Desire is Power!</p> <p>A certaint first place among hunters in the World is taken by <strong>Vlado OM1AX</strong>, our constant chaser and assistant in almost all of our outings. Just a little behind him are <strong>Arthur SP8LEP</strong> (II) and <strong>Jukka OH3GZ</strong> (III).</p> <p>There are no surprises among Russian hunters this year. As well as in the past 2018, I and II places are occupied by <strong>Valery UA4PKN</strong> and <strong>Alexander RW4PP</strong> with a minimum gap from each other. It should be noted the minimum gap from each other is not only in the Rating, but also on the air — the time between their answers on our CQs often not exceed 1–2 minutes. Crimeans here also remind of themselves — <strong>Alexander RA7KW</strong> took III place.</p> <p>Valery R7KFF and Vlado OM1AX get honored prizes and all the winners of the RFF Rating get remembrance certificates. Prizes and certificates have already been produced and will be mailed to the nominees in the nearest future.</p> <p>It was also decided to encourage the best hunters on continents with remembrance certificates:</p> <ul> <li><strong>KD1CT, Robert L Emory</strong> with 15 RFF references in North America;</li> <li><strong>ZL1TM, Andrei Chatalov</strong> with 8 RFF references in Oceania;</li> <li><strong>4Z4DX, Dov Gavish</strong> with 34 RFF references in Asia.</li> </ul> <p>The best Russian RFF CW operators (maximum number of QSOs) — Valery R7KFF (2800 CW QSO) as activator and Alexander RW4PP (111 CW QSO) as hunter do not go unnoticed. “The Keys Connecting Continents” books will be mailed to them with an autograph of author — Valery Alekseevich Pakhomov UA3AO, <a href="http://www.rkk-museum.ru/collections/pakhomov.shtml" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">an excellent CW operator and key collector</a>.</p> <p>Also, as soon as we catch <strong>Pavel RU5A</strong>, he will get from us... <br />…encouraging prize for the highest among all activators the average QSO number (161.5) per one reference. This will be a powerbank, which will not allow Pavel’s smartphone (or GPS-navigator) to discharge when Pavel, hopefully, will begin to go more far into the forest away from his car.</p> <p>The RFF 2019 Rating charts are placed below at the bottom of the page.</p> <p><span class="label label-important">UPD.04.III.2020</span></p> <p><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/rff/ANT08114_850.jpg" alt="Prizes and remembrance certificates of the RFF Rating 2019" title="Prizes and remembrance certificates of the RFF Rating 2019" /></p> <p></p> <p>Prizes and remembrance certificates were mailed to all winners of the RFF Rating 2019 Top-10 activators and Top-44 hunters, thereby the line under the 2019 results is finally drawn.</p> <p>Welcome to the year 2020. The new RFF 2020 Rating charts have already been published, anyone interested — <strong><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2020" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="“Russian Flora &amp; Fauna”. activators and hunters Rating 2020">stay tuned</a></strong>.</p> <h4>RFF Team</h4> <p>It were added 213 new references — RFF-0754...0966 (232 references, RFF-0522...0753, were added in 2018) to the RFF Directory in 20 Entities of the Russian Federation.</p> <p><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/ru/rff/intro/gps-tracks" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">GPS tracks have been implemented</a> as a necessary (and enough) evidence (proof) of the activator’s location within the boundaries of the protected area since the end of March. <br />Work started to prepare RFF reference boundaries in the form of GPX files for using in various GPS navigation programs. At the moment the boundaries of all RFF references in Moscow city and Moscow oblast, Karelia, the Bryansk oblast and in part some other oblasts are completed. This work requires a lot effort and is carried out step by step as time allows. <br />Therefore, if you need the boundaries of some specific territory, contact the coordinator in advance to get the required boundaries out of turn.</p> <p>Finally we finished out some of the RFF awards, and it will be possible to apply for awards of <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/en/rff/awards/wwff" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">WWFF Series (RFF-H and RFF-A)</a> on the WWFF website since the end of January/beginning of February. The issuance of the <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/en/rff/awards/st-russia" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">“Sanctuary Russia” Series awards</a> should also start in the same 2020 year.</p> <h4>What's new</h4> <p>In accordance with the precedent, if pretenders for same awarded place in the TOP-10 or TOP-44 have the same number of references at the end of the year, the number of QSOs conducted by each of them will be considered as an additional factor.</p> <p>A referential indicator will be added into TOP-10 activators chart — the average QSO number per 1 activation.</p> <p>Based on the practice of the previous two years, there are RFF “activators”, who indicated the RFF reference while on the air, but sent no logs for uploading either in a month, or in three, or in half a year... who did not send it at all. Or those, who failed (or did not want) to provide proof of their location within the boundaries of the respective protected territory during supposed activation, so activation could not be accepted. A list of those “activators” appears on our website since 2020. Decide yourself whether it’s worth getting involved into pile-up for QSO, spending time and making efforts if it still does not give you the desired RFF reference onto your count.</p> <p>The sections “Announcements”, “Forum” and “QRP Marathon” will be removed as unclaimed on our website.</p> <p>
activatorshunters all over the worldhunters in russia
placecall signrefs.placecall signrefs.placecall signrefs.
1–2R7KFF41 1OM1AX105 1UA4PKN90
</p> <p></p> <hr /> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2024" title="RFF Rating 2024" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2024</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2023" title="RFF Rating 2023. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2023. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2022" title="RFF Rating 2022. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2022. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2021" title="RFF Rating 2021. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2021. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2020" title="RFF Rating 2020. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2020. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2018" title="RFF Rating 2018. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2018. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-rules" title="Rules of RFF participants Rating" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Rules of RFF activators and hunters Rating</a></h5> <p> </p>
<p>Results of radio amateurs activity in the RFF (Russian Flora and Fauna) award program for 2019 are summarised.</p> <p>Comparing to results of previous year, the results of 2019 can be represented in one picture:<br /><br /> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/chart-en-2019.jpg" alt="" class="pull-left" /></p> <div class="clearfix"></div> <h4>Results in general</h4> <p>214 logs from 26 individual activators, who activated 116 RFF-references and conducted a total of 20’387 QSO, were uploaded to WWFF Logsearch.</p> <p>Also 4 teams conducted 3’494 QSOs while activating seven RFF references (8 logs):</p> <ul> <li>RZ9SFF from RFF-0398 — 236 QSO;</li> <li>RK9LWZ (and RP74P) from RFF-0137 — 2’243 QSO;</li> <li>R3ARS/4 from RFF-0037, 0067, 0140 and 0171 — 854 QSO;</li> <li>UB5O/M from RFF-0683 — 161 QSO.</li> </ul> <p>Thus, 26 individual operators and 4 teams activated 119 RFF-references, and 23'881 QSOs with 6'452 correspondents were conducted in total. <br />It is impossible to say unequivocally, is 2019 better than 2018, or worse. <br />There are 2.7 times more activations, almost 2.5 times more references activated in 2019, what is undoubtedly much more than in 2018. <br />At the same time, the total number of activators, as well as the number of their QSOs, remained almost the same, and the number of hunters was only 60% compared to 2018.</p> <p>A year ago, we suggested that QSOs with still 1–2...4 RFF references may probably be random, but already with 5 and more — most likely, demonstrate a certain interest of the operator to Flora &amp; Fauna programs. What came out in 2019?</p> <p>843 hunters vs. 537 in the previous year conducted <br />12’050 QSOs compared to 4’798 in the previous year.</p> <p>On the background of an undeniably noticeably increased number of qualified activations, the specific “weight” of one qualified activation significantly decreased:</p> <div style="padding-left: 70px; padding-bottom: 20px;"> <table> <tbody> <tr style="border-color: #2e93d7; text-align: right; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: solid;"> <th width="66"><strong>2018</strong></th> <th width="66"><strong>2019</strong></th> <th width="30"></th> <th style="text-align: left;" width="227"><strong>QSO</strong></th> </tr> <tr style="border-color: #ade1ff; text-align: right; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: dotted;"> <td width="66">193</td> <td width="66">185</td> <td width="30"></td> <td style="text-align: left;" width="227">per reference</td> </tr> <tr style="border-color: #ade1ff; text-align: right; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: dotted;"> <td width="66">131</td> <td width="66">98</td> <td width="30"></td> <td style="text-align: left;" width="227">per activation</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"><br />activations percentage depending on the QSO amount in one activation</td> </tr> <tr style="border-color: #ade1ff; text-align: right; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: dotted;"> <td width="66">59%</td> <td width="66">69%</td> <td width="30"></td> <td style="text-align: left;" width="227">up to 100 per activation</td> </tr> <tr style="border-color: #ade1ff; text-align: right; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: dotted;"> <td width="66">25%</td> <td width="66">22%</td> <td width="30"></td> <td style="text-align: left;" width="227">100–199 per activation</td> </tr> <tr style="border-color: #ade1ff; text-align: right; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: dotted;"> <td width="66">11%</td> <td width="66">6%</td> <td width="30"></td> <td style="text-align: left;" width="227">200–299 per activation</td> </tr> <tr style="border-color: #ade1ff; text-align: right; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: dotted;"> <td width="66">5%</td> <td width="66">3%</td> <td width="30"></td> <td style="text-align: left;" width="227">300 and more per activation</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p>Probably, the explanation for such ambiguous results may be:</p> <ul> <li>on the one hand, the degradation of propagation in 2019 compared to 2018, which made more difficult QSO conducting, especially using low output power,</li> <li>and on the other hand, the implementation of the Rating, a side effect of which turned out boosting the quantity of activated references at the cost the minimum QSO number from one reference.</li> </ul> <p>Perhaps the emergence of a <a href="http://wwff.co/2019/12/wwff-activator-points-award/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">new WWFF award for activators</a> will slightly improve to the better the situation in 2020.</p> <h4>The Rating</h4> <p>The real competition, did not subside until the very last December days, launched between the activators for the first place. There Crimeans got themselves ahead by a considerable margin from the others. Both <strong>Valery R7KFF</strong> and <strong>Victor RA7K</strong> activated 41 references in 2019. But, since there “can be only one champion”, we had to consider additional parameters — for example, the total number of RFF QSOs conducted by each of them: R7KFF — 2800 and RA7K — 2511 QSO.</p> <p>Thus, R7KFF takes I place and RA7K — II place. <br />III place is deservedly taken by our Rising Star — <strong>Ilya</strong> UB3APM (novice category callsign) until recently, then R2ATW (general category callsign), and now <strong>R5AF</strong> (highest, extra class). Ilya quickly mastered operating on the air in whole, and field operation, and, most surprisingly, he mastered CW in the shortest possible time, skilled to transmit by vertical and electronic keys, mastered mechanical semiautomatic key (the so-called vibroplex), and already confidently conducting QSO at a speed of 25, and even more WPM. Desire is Power!</p> <p>A certaint first place among hunters in the World is taken by <strong>Vlado OM1AX</strong>, our constant chaser and assistant in almost all of our outings. Just a little behind him are <strong>Arthur SP8LEP</strong> (II) and <strong>Jukka OH3GZ</strong> (III).</p> <p>There are no surprises among Russian hunters this year. As well as in the past 2018, I and II places are occupied by <strong>Valery UA4PKN</strong> and <strong>Alexander RW4PP</strong> with a minimum gap from each other. It should be noted the minimum gap from each other is not only in the Rating, but also on the air — the time between their answers on our CQs often not exceed 1–2 minutes. Crimeans here also remind of themselves — <strong>Alexander RA7KW</strong> took III place.</p> <p>Valery R7KFF and Vlado OM1AX get honored prizes and all the winners of the RFF Rating get remembrance certificates. Prizes and certificates have already been produced and will be mailed to the nominees in the nearest future.</p> <p>It was also decided to encourage the best hunters on continents with remembrance certificates:</p> <ul> <li><strong>KD1CT, Robert L Emory</strong> with 15 RFF references in North America;</li> <li><strong>ZL1TM, Andrei Chatalov</strong> with 8 RFF references in Oceania;</li> <li><strong>4Z4DX, Dov Gavish</strong> with 34 RFF references in Asia.</li> </ul> <p>The best Russian RFF CW operators (maximum number of QSOs) — Valery R7KFF (2800 CW QSO) as activator and Alexander RW4PP (111 CW QSO) as hunter do not go unnoticed. “The Keys Connecting Continents” books will be mailed to them with an autograph of author — Valery Alekseevich Pakhomov UA3AO, <a href="http://www.rkk-museum.ru/collections/pakhomov.shtml" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">an excellent CW operator and key collector</a>.</p> <p>Also, as soon as we catch <strong>Pavel RU5A</strong>, he will get from us... <br />…encouraging prize for the highest among all activators the average QSO number (161.5) per one reference. This will be a powerbank, which will not allow Pavel’s smartphone (or GPS-navigator) to discharge when Pavel, hopefully, will begin to go more far into the forest away from his car.</p> <p>The RFF 2019 Rating charts are placed below at the bottom of the page.</p> <p><span class="label label-important">UPD.04.III.2020</span></p> <p><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/rff/ANT08114_850.jpg" alt="Prizes and remembrance certificates of the RFF Rating 2019" title="Prizes and remembrance certificates of the RFF Rating 2019" /></p> <p></p> <p>Prizes and remembrance certificates were mailed to all winners of the RFF Rating 2019 Top-10 activators and Top-44 hunters, thereby the line under the 2019 results is finally drawn.</p> <p>Welcome to the year 2020. The new RFF 2020 Rating charts have already been published, anyone interested — <strong><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2020" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="“Russian Flora &amp; Fauna”. activators and hunters Rating 2020">stay tuned</a></strong>.</p> <h4>RFF Team</h4> <p>It were added 213 new references — RFF-0754...0966 (232 references, RFF-0522...0753, were added in 2018) to the RFF Directory in 20 Entities of the Russian Federation.</p> <p><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/ru/rff/intro/gps-tracks" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">GPS tracks have been implemented</a> as a necessary (and enough) evidence (proof) of the activator’s location within the boundaries of the protected area since the end of March. <br />Work started to prepare RFF reference boundaries in the form of GPX files for using in various GPS navigation programs. At the moment the boundaries of all RFF references in Moscow city and Moscow oblast, Karelia, the Bryansk oblast and in part some other oblasts are completed. This work requires a lot effort and is carried out step by step as time allows. <br />Therefore, if you need the boundaries of some specific territory, contact the coordinator in advance to get the required boundaries out of turn.</p> <p>Finally we finished out some of the RFF awards, and it will be possible to apply for awards of <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/en/rff/awards/wwff" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">WWFF Series (RFF-H and RFF-A)</a> on the WWFF website since the end of January/beginning of February. The issuance of the <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/en/rff/awards/st-russia" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">“Sanctuary Russia” Series awards</a> should also start in the same 2020 year.</p> <h4>What's new</h4> <p>In accordance with the precedent, if pretenders for same awarded place in the TOP-10 or TOP-44 have the same number of references at the end of the year, the number of QSOs conducted by each of them will be considered as an additional factor.</p> <p>A referential indicator will be added into TOP-10 activators chart — the average QSO number per 1 activation.</p> <p>Based on the practice of the previous two years, there are RFF “activators”, who indicated the RFF reference while on the air, but sent no logs for uploading either in a month, or in three, or in half a year... who did not send it at all. Or those, who failed (or did not want) to provide proof of their location within the boundaries of the respective protected territory during supposed activation, so activation could not be accepted. A list of those “activators” appears on our website since 2020. Decide yourself whether it’s worth getting involved into pile-up for QSO, spending time and making efforts if it still does not give you the desired RFF reference onto your count.</p> <p>The sections “Announcements”, “Forum” and “QRP Marathon” will be removed as unclaimed on our website.</p> <p>
activatorshunters all over the worldhunters in russia
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</p> <p></p> <hr /> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2024" title="RFF Rating 2024" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2024</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2023" title="RFF Rating 2023. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2023. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2022" title="RFF Rating 2022. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2022. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2021" title="RFF Rating 2021. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2021. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2020" title="RFF Rating 2020. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2020. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2018" title="RFF Rating 2018. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2018. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-rules" title="Rules of RFF participants Rating" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Rules of RFF activators and hunters Rating</a></h5> <p> </p>
GPS tracks. What, how and why 2019-10-15T13:10:50+00:00 2019-10-15T13:10:50+00:00 http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/intro/gps-tracks RN3ANT RN3ANT [AT] gmail [DOT] com <h3><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/rff/GPS-tracks.jpg" alt="" class="pull-left" />Introduction</h3> <p>More than six months have passed since we included <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/55-newsen/rff/199-rff-rules-refinement" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">GPS-tracks as necessary evidence</a> (confirmation, proof) of the activator's stay in the activated territory.</p> <p>Almost one and a half hundred logs provided with GPS-tracks were accepted from two dozen operators during this period.</p> <p>The GPS-tracks were not always perfect, sometimes requiring additional effort and time to verify, and sometimes it was not at all clear even what, where and when it was.</p> <p>The main complaint from potential activators was: “Why are you make things more complicated?! Make it easier and get more activators!”</p> <p>I can not agree with these complaints. Although this is just a hobby, in WWFF, as in any other game, there are certain rules and conventions that must be followed if you decide to play this game.</p> <p>It should be noted that WWFF is one of the most difficult games for activators. It’s not enough to encamp down anywhere on an administrative district territory, or even on the border between two districts of an oblast, it’s not enough to stop somewhere 5-6 km away from the helipad, or to “activate” the great river of Russia, being even 100–700 km far from its riverbank. And it’s not enough to encamp even near to the “activation” object.</p> <p>One of main WWFF Rules is:</p> <p class="alert alert-info" role="alert"><strong>4.4 Working within boundaries of the reference<br /> </strong>While activating a WWFF reference area, all equipment (including antenna/s, transceiver/s, power supply/ies, etc) must be within the boundaries of the relevant WWFF reference area. <br />It is not sufficient for part of the station to be within the boundary of the reference area.</p> <p>Accordingly, the log manager, in order to upload the activator' log into WWFF Logsearch, must be sure that this rule is completed. The activator should somehow confirm his presence within the territory boundaries during the reference activation.</p> <p>“Traditional” evidences (proofs), regular to many HAMs, as in some other similar programs, even in RFF before — photographs require a lot of effort of the activator. These are losses of time, what is always insufficient, enough of lighting is required, bad weather often interferes, and the most difficult thing is associating of the photos to the location, which, most often, is very difficult to provide. The boundaries of SPNA (Specially Protected Nature Areas) are often not marked at all on the terrain in many cases, there are no information boards, signs, signposts. And even if they exist, they often mark the boundary of SPNA a little better than nothing.</p> <p> </p> <p><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/20190615_114059_Crop.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery1" data-caption="Roadside information board on the way to RFF-0489, Forests of the Dubeshnya River Basin"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/20190615_114059_Crop.jpg" caption="false" width="400" /> </a> <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/20190615_114034_1080_Point.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery1" data-caption="The red dot marks the place where this board is installed relatively to the boundaries of the protected area"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/20190615_114034_1080_Point.jpg" caption="false" width="400" /> </a></p> <p><span style="color: #808080;"><em>These photos show an information board installed a kilometer to East from the nearest boundary of the protected area through a dense forest and 2 km to South from the boundary if you move along the trail (the place where it is located is marked with a red dot on the photo)</em></span></p> <p> </p> <p>Photos on the background of such “landmarks” do not confirm that the activator was really located within the boundaries of the protected area. Geotags could provide an association of photos to the location shown. But photocameras that able take photos with geotags are very rare and quite expensive, and besides that smartphones can do it in the same way, but they can also make GPS tracks. Additioally, there are ways to assign any geotag to any photo, no matter where and when this photo was taken. One way or another, suchlike proofs are costly for the activator and unconvincing for the log manager.</p> <p>Other photos could be more convincing then photos with “landmarks” — are photos of the navigation devices screens showing geographic coordinates of a place, shooted, for example, on background of deployed radio equipment. These photos anyway require devices able determine the geographic coordinates of a place. They are all the same smartphones or touristic, or automotive GPS navigators that still should be photographed by something another. Obviously, all of these devices are able to make GPS tracks by itself. And this kind of photos itself still do not prove anything at all, except the navigation device was at a point with these coordinates at a certain time point.</p> <p>All kinds of transport tickets, store and gas station checks, applications, permits, passes, etc. — do not make any sense in our game at all.</p> <p>Thus, none of the “evidence” mentioned above is reliable and convincing, at the same time it requires some effort and time for both — as to create by activator, as to verify by a log manager. Insignificantly.</p> <p>Besides, before providing any proofs to the log manager, the activator must be sure that he is<em> actually located in the protected area</em>, and not somewhere nearby. Especially if the boundary of the protected area is not indicated in any way on the terrain, which has the place to be all the time in our country.</p> <p>Both of these tasks — obtaining of reliable and convincing proofs and HAM's own orientation regarding the boundaries of protected areas can be successfully solved by using of GPS navigation devices and GPS tracks. It is hard to imagine that a modern traveling radioamateur does not have in his arsenal and does not use some GPS navigation device, whether it be an automotive or tourist GPS navigator, or a smartphone with a map. Moreover, please note — these tasks can be solved with minimal effort on his part, in other words — turn on the track recording and go.</p> <h3>GPS tracks. What is it?</h3> <p>The Rules of the “Russian Flora and Fauna” award program, the national part of the international “World Wide Flora and Fauna” (WWFF), have state:</p> <div class="alert alert-success" role="alert"><span style="color: #339966;">Necessary proof, confirming that the activator was located on the corresponding SPNA in the corresponding period are GPS tracks of the activator’s arrival to the site and departure from the site in format of GPX or KML (KMZ) <strong>files recorded by activator’s navigation device (automotive or touring GPS-navigator, smartphone)</strong></span>.</div> <p>The required GPS track is <strong>not</strong> a photo or a display screenshot of your navigation device with a displayed route, <strong>not</strong> a route drawn on a paper map or Google electronic map, Yandex or the like, and <strong>not</strong> an electronic file created from suchlike a drawn route.</p> <p>This is an ordinary text file <strong>created by your navigation device during your movement along a route</strong>, which contains the geographical coordinates of the points with an accuracy of several meters, the height of the points above sea level and the time when you were at these points. It may also contain other characteristics of points depending on the application creating the file, for example, temperature, heart rate, cadence, etc.</p> <p style="padding-left: 60px;"><em>GPX (GPS Exchange Format) — widely used, public XML-format of files for storing and exchange GPS data between various applications.</em></p> <p style="padding-left: 60px;"><em>KML (Keyhole Markup Language) — practically the same, but recorded on Keyhole markup language, targeted to Google applications. KMZ — the same KML, but in a compressed form (ZIP).<br /></em></p> <p>The distance between the points is usually quite small and is determined by the settings of the application used for track recording.</p> <p>You can open the GPS track in the suitable application, Google-, Yandex- or some other suchlike map and see the recorded route, as in whole as in the smallest details.</p> <p><br /><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/GPS-tracks_overview.jpg" data-fancybox="" data-caption="Boundaries of RFF-0915, Belskoye Lake are red. The GPS track of arrival at the place is blue, the track of departure from the protected area is yellow. To the west are visible boundaries of RFF-0501, the Valley of the Storozhka River; RFF-0489, Forests of the Dubeshnya River Basin to the more further west; RFF-0502, Zvenigorod Biostation of Moscow State University and the Sima quarry, a fragments is visible to southwest"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/GPS-tracks_overview.jpg" class="pull-left" caption="false" width="400" /> </a></p> <p><span style="color: #808080;"><em>Boundaries of RFF-0915, Belskoye Lake are red. The GPS track of arrival at the place is blue, the track of departure is yellow.<br />You can see boundaries of some other references too:<br />— RFF-0501, the Valley of the Storozhka River to the west;<br />— RFF-0489, Forests of the Dubeshnya River Basin to the more further west;<br />— RFF-0502, Zvenigorod Biostation of Moscow State University and the Sima quarry, a fragments is visible to southwest.</em></span></p> <div class="clearfix">...</div> <p><br /><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/GPS-tracks_zoom.jpg" data-fancybox="" data-caption="Movement on the territory of RFF-0915, Bielskoe Lake on a zoomed scale. Blue track — arrival, yellow track — departure. The complexity of the arrival track is due to prior on foot exploring of the way and the looking for a suitable place to deploy the antenna"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/GPS-tracks_zoom.jpg" class="pull-left" caption="false" width="400" /> </a></p> <p><span style="color: #808080;"><em>Movement on the territory of RFF-0915, Bielskoe Lake on a zoomed scale. Blue track — arrival, yellow track — departure. The complexity of the arrival track is due to prior on foot exploring of the way and the looking for a suitable place to deploy the antenna.</em></span></p> <div class="clearfix">...</div> <h3>GPS tracks as proofs</h3> <p>What are exactly these “smallest details” in the tracks which are the interest for log manager?</p> <p>You can absolutely be sure that we don’t have even the slightest interest in what floor and porch you left from, what girlfriends and how long you visited on the route, how much and which “warming up” in which store you bought, what gas station and how much was refueled into your bicycle, and another suchlike personal details that some activators are so worried about.</p> <p>As the proofs, only the final fragment of your trip from crossing the border of the protected area to the place of your radio station deployment and the same fragment of your returning are interested. If you are so worried about an imaginary leak of secret data about your personal life, you can turn on GPS track recording just 1–0.5 km before the border of the protected area. And turn off the recording as soon as you crossed the border on the way back.</p> <p>We are interested in <strong>(a)</strong> the fact of crossing the border of the protected area, <strong>(b)</strong> the radio station placement and the time of your arrival, <strong>(c)</strong> the time of departure from this place and (optionally) the fact of the crossing back the border. That's all.</p> <p>The log manager checks these circumstances in GPS tracks, the authenticity of the GPS tracks themselves, and also checks whether the time on air (according to the log) fits into the interval between arrival and departure.</p> <p> </p> <p><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/GPS-tracks_at-point_map.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery2" data-caption="Activator's placement on OSM (Open Street Map)"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/GPS-tracks_at-point_map.jpg" caption="false" width="400" /></a> <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/GPS-tracks_at-point.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery2" data-caption="Activator's placement on satellite image"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/GPS-tracks_at-point.jpg" caption="false" width="400" /></a></p> <p><span style="color: #808080;"><em>Placement. The end point of the arrival track and the start point of the departure track — red — differ by only ~ 5 meters. This may be due to both the accuracy of GPS positioning and the movement of the GPS device during shutdown (in fact, the bicycle with the navigator was moved to a more suitable place).</em></span></p> <p> </p> <p><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/GPS-tracks_time-in.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery3" data-caption="Arrival time is the end point of the “blue” track"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/GPS-tracks_time-in.jpg" caption="false" width="400" /></a> <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/GPS-tracks_time-out.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery3" data-caption=" Departure time is the first point on the “yellow” track"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/GPS-tracks_time-out.jpg" caption="false" width="400" /></a></p> <p><span style="color: #808080;"><em>Arrival time is the end point of the first track on the first slide. Departure time is the first point on the second slide.<br />In addition, you can see the geographical coordinates and some other parameters of points and tracks in general</em></span></p> <p> </p> <p>Arrival time - 10:27 MSK<br />Starting (First QSO) - 12:09 MSK<br />Shutdown (last QSO) - 16:45 MSK<br />Departure time - 18:47 MSK<br />________________________________<br />It is obvious that everything is OK here.</p> <h3>Reference boundaries</h3> <p>But, before checking these circumstances, it should to make sure that all these events took place within the boundaries of the protected area. Obviously, both the log manager accepting activation and the activator going to the protected area must have information about the boundaries of this protected area.</p> <p>There are various publicly available sources of information about the boundaries of protected areas.</p> <p><strong>The most obvious source</strong> is public maps: OpenStreetMaps (OSM), Google, Yandex, etc. Their main limitations are that not all protected areas are marked on them, the veracity of the border marking there remains very doubtful. There is no need to demonstrate in this article, how “exact” the boundaries of protected areas are on these maps. You will see this yourself much more than once.</p> <p>The most complete information about all protected areas of Russia, including map data, is available on the website (in Russian) of the <a href="http://oopt.aari.ru/oopt/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Information and Analytical System “Specially Protected Nature Areas of the Russian Federation” (IAS “SPNA of RF”)</a>. Any case, we strongly recommend get to know it before you go anywhere to RFF. First of all, carefully study the zoning of the territory and the security regime, permits and prohibitions, if necessary, the contacts of the managing organization. <br />Description of the territory — relief, geological information, hydrology, flora and fauna description are interesting itself, and in addition, they can help to choose supposed place for the radio deployment. I am personally, preferring to deploy an antenna on a tall tree limb, most closely get acquainted with the description of vegetation in general and the characteristics of the forest in particular — tree species and their distribution in the territory, the nature and density of undergrowth, etc.<br />Unfortunately, IAS “SPNA of RF” has many drawbacks. A very leisurely server, the map backgrounds do not work well. It is not always possible to find the latest documents on a specific protected area — it is clear that it is impossible to keep track of absolutely everything in a database of almost twenty thousand objects and a huge number of notes, documents and books. Map data are also far from always accurate. Nevertheless, IAS “SPNA of RF” remains the most authoritative source of various information about russian protected areas.</p> <p></p> <p><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Solikamskiy.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery5" data-caption="Solikamsky Zakaznik (Natural Reserve, IUCN cat. IV) in the Permskiy Krai. The blue line indicates the boundary according to the description and geographical coordinates from the Zakaznik's passport. It is unknown, on what the data source is determined the boundary in the IAS “SPNA of RF”"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Solikamskiy.jpg" caption="false" width="400" /></a> <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Storozhka-Valley.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery5" data-caption="The Storozhka river Valley. The blue line indicates the boundary of the Storozhkinsky Zakaznik (Natural Reserve, IUCN cat. IV) under the reorganization draft of the Reserve prepared by the “Verkhovye” Fund. Reorganization of the “Storozhka river Valley from the river mouth to the recreation center Corallovo” Zakaznik is produced under the control of the Ministry of Ecology and Environmental Management. The former SPNA (Specially Protected Nature Area) since the moment of organization in 1966 has not have clearly defined boundaries and was not put on cadastral registration. IAS “SPNA of RF” simply nowhere, except spun out of thin air, could get the boundaries that marked in orange. Activation is valid in the “blue boundaries”"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Storozhka-Valley.jpg" caption="false" width="400" /></a></p> <p><span style="color: #808080;"><em>Two illustrations of accordance the actual boundaries to boundaries indicated on the IAS “SPNA of RF” map<br /></em></span></p> <p></p> <p><strong>And finally, the third source exists</strong>. You probably noticed the illustration in the “GPS tracks. What is it?” section — black boundary contours of the RFF–0915, RFF–0501, RFF–0489 and RFF–502 territories. And definitely, you could not don't pay attention to them on two slides just before this paragraph. These are the closed GPS tracks (plots) displayed on the map, we prepared them in the GPX files form. We make such plots based on geographical coordinates from SPNA passports, verbal descriptions of borders, forestry charts, cadastral plots of Russian land registry, etc. Using these plots and GPS tracks, the log manager verifies the fact the activator crossed the boundary of RFF reference. Unlike of other sources, our plots also display the boundaries of the SPNA buffer zones, where activation is valid the same way as within the boundaries of the main territories, unless otherwise indicated.</p> <p>They are all most accurately aligned to the terrain, are detailed as possible, and, most importantly, if you will activate RFF reference within the boundaries we designated, it will be accepted if other rules will carried out too. It can not be said surely if you will use other information sources about boundaries.</p> <p>Another important advantage of our GPX is the ability to use them on a trip even when you do not have access to the Internet, which is required for any other electronic sources of boundary information, or offline electronic maps downloaded into your smartphone. I will tell about this more detailed below.</p> <p>Unfortunately, such GPX files are available yet for not all RFF references in the Directory. Their preparation requires a lot of time, we do this work as far as possible and as necessary. Currently, all of Moscow (R3A) and the Moscow oblast (R3D), Karelia (R1N), and a some RFF references from Bryansk (R3Y) and Kaluga (R3X) oblasts, Permskiy Krai (R9F), and some other entities are ready. Now we can send you the boundaries of the RFF references you are interested in from those we have already prepared, by e-mail request. Later they will be available for downloading from the site by yourself.</p> <p>If required RFF reference is still not in the GPX file form, we will prepare it if you request beforehand, but not on the last day before your trip — we need some time to prepare it.</p> <p>We have a plan to indicate the boundaries of all RFF references on the RDA-RAFA-WCA online map, supported and developed by Andrey R1CF, but we still can not do it well without special skills to deal with cartographical applications. Perhaps, later we will pay more attention to this plan.</p> <p class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">Please note: the SPNA boundaries indicated by our GPX are not official ones and can only be used in frame of the WWFF award program.</p> <h3>GPS tracks. How to record them?</h3> <p>GPS tracks can be recorded, as mentioned above, using automotive- and touristic GPS navigators, as well as using special applications installed in smartphones with GPS receivers (almost all smartphones currently sold are equipped with such receivers).<br />We will not consider all kinds of online GPS trackers with the location data transmission via satellites, and with service subscriptions, based on time, because of their sky-high prices and low prevalence in general.</p> <p>Owners of touristic and automotive Garmin’s should not have any problems in principle. Garmin devices have track recording as one of the main functions, and the owners are most likely familiar with it better than us.</p> <p>Navitel automotive navigators can record and save GPS tracks too, owners who usually do not use this function, should read the manual for their devices. The same can be said of other brands of GPS automotive navigation devices.</p> <p>For those who have never previously recorded GPS-tracks, we will consider the most affordable way to record them using smartphones and tablets with the Android operating system, which, most likely, travelling radio amateurs have.</p> <p>I scarcely can make mistake with the assertion that all modern, even relatively inexpensive smartphones are equipped with a GPS receiver. Things can be more complicated with tablets — I've seen such gadgets without a GPS receiver. You won’t succeed with them. Of course, there are external GPS receivers that communicate with a tablet or laptop via Bluetooth or USB, but their price is so specific that it may be simplier to buy an inexpensive smartphone.</p> <p>There are many Android applications that use a GPS receiver to solve their various tasks — from specialized sportive, such as Strava, Runtastic, etc., specialized urban, for example, Yandex transport, above mentioned automotive navigators for Android, suchlike Yandex navigator, Navitel, etc. to general applications like as Google Maps, Yandex Maps, MapsMe, Maverick, etc.</p> <p>I tried many of them and eventually settled on “OsmAnd”, which successfully solves all our tasks and does not contain too much excess options. I recommend this application to you, and it will be a bit explained below. Perhaps OsmAnd will not suit you and you will find, in the end, something more convenient, everything is in your hands and smartphones/tablets. What you should pay attention to:</p> <ul> <li>GPS-tracks recording and the ability to “share” them;</li> <li>loading GPS tracks and routes into the application (not everyone cares, but note: surprisingly, many applications do not know how to work with external memory cards, do not know how to set a special place for storing recorded and loaded from outside tracks);</li> <li>the ability to display a few tracks at the same time and, it is highly desirable, to set for each of them own display parameters (line color, thickness, transparency), the ability to enable or disable the displaying of some tracks;</li> <li>the ability to work without access to the Internet, i.e. pre-load into the smartphone the so-called offline maps of regions.</li> </ul> <p>The screenshots of the application shown below were prepared for the Russian version of this note but, sure, that the appearance of the application is no different for other languages too.</p> <p><br /><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-151404_Google Play Store.jpg" data-fancybox="" data-caption="OsmAnd at Google Play Market"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-151404_Google Play Store.jpg" class="pull-left" caption="false" width="200" /></a></p> <p>“OsmAnd” can do all this. It is easy to find the application on the Google Play Market. There are both free “OsmAnd” and paid “OsmAnd+” versions. The free version has limited (up to 7) number of map downloads and there is no way to view POI descriptions from Wikipedia. Neither the first nor the second is important for our tasks. The free version will be enough. Installation is simple and does not cause any difficulties. Just tap the “Install” button.</p> <div class="clearfix">...</div> <p><br /><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-152756_Samsung Experience Home.jpg" data-fancybox="" data-caption="Turn ON GPS module — the second icon in the upper left row on my screenshot, and turn off the power saving mode — the first “Energy Saving” icon in the third bottom row"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-152756_Samsung Experience Home.jpg" class="pull-left" caption="false" width="200" /></a></p> <p>In order to the application would be able to determine your location, you must enable the GPS module in your smartphone. This is the second icon in the upper left row on my screenshot. It is switched ON here. The module additionally uses power, so it makes sense to turn it off for powersaving when not in use.</p> <p>To prevent the track record interruption at the moments when the smartphone’s display goes blank, you should turn off the power saving mode (the first “Energy Saving” icon in the third bottom row — it is shown in the “ON” state). There are other ways to deal with track recording interruptions during the blanking of the display, I did not discover them due to the lack of need. You will explore it yourself, if you want.</p> <p>The appearance of these icons may vary depending on the Android version.</p> <div class="clearfix">...</div> <p><br /><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-151841_OsmAnd+.jpg" data-fancybox="" data-caption="The application’s main screen"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-151841_OsmAnd+.jpg" class="pull-left" caption="false" width="200" /></a></p> <p>This is the application’s main screen. You will find out yourself the purpose of the buttons, their location and set of displayed. I will especially note only the two most important buttons:</p> <ul> <li>all application settings, maps loading, tracks, etc. are in the <strong>application menu</strong>, which you can open by tapping the button in the lower left screen corner;</li> <li><strong>tracks recording</strong> is activated by tap on round button with a “GPX” label in the upper right corner of the screen. Here it is shown in gray — track recording is switched off. This button is red during recording a track..</li> </ul> <div class="clearfix">...</div> <p><br /><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20191015-155200_OsmAnd+.jpg" data-fancybox="" data-caption="Enable the “Trip recording” plugin In order to appear the “GPX” button on your screen"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20191015-155200_OsmAnd+.jpg" class="pull-left" caption="false" width="200" /></a></p> <p>In order to appear this button on your screen, you need to enable the “Trip recording” plugin:<br /><em><strong>Menu &gt; Plugins &gt; Trip Record</strong></em><br /><br />The plugin has its own settings. It is not difficult to understand these settings by yourself.</p> <div class="clearfix">...</div> <p><br /><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20191017-044354_OsmAnd+.jpg" data-fancybox="" data-caption="Stop logging and save the current track"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20191017-044354_OsmAnd+.jpg" class="pull-left" caption="false" width="200" /></a></p> <p>Stop track recording after arriving to the place — call up the pop-up menu by tapping the “GPX” button and select the “Stop GPX Logging” command. Do not forget to save the recorded track — call up the pop-up menu by tapping the “GPX” button again and select the “Save current track” command. Then, in order to save the smartphone's battery charge, you can exit the “OsmAnd” application and turn off the GPS module (“Geodata” icon) until the leaving the activation place.</p> <div class="clearfix">...</div> <p><br /><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-152533_OsmAnd+.jpg" data-fancybox="" data-caption="GPS tracks management in the “Tracks” tab"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-152533_OsmAnd+.jpg" class="pull-left" caption="false" width="200" /></a></p> <p>Management of all GPS tracks is located in the Tracks tab: <em><strong>menu &gt; my places</strong></em>. Here you can enable or disable the track displaying on the map, set their individual color and line thickness, start and stop recording the current track, and so on. Carefully review this screen on your smartphone, scroll down to access folders, containing the tracks recorded by the smartphone, folders, containing tracks downloaded from the outside, etc.</p> <div class="clearfix">...</div> <p></p> <p>The application works great both with vertical and horizontal screen layouts, with various map over- and underlays, or without laying in general, with different display zooming — the larger the zoom, the smoother and more detailed are outlines of objects on the map, and more smooth and detailed your tracks are displayed.</p> <p><br /><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-152354_OsmAnd+.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery4" data-caption="The vertical orientation of the smartphone screen. The double red line is the buffer zone of the RFF-0852, Zakaznik “Nara river Valley”. Violet line — recorded track to the zakaznik boundary"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-152354_OsmAnd+.jpg" caption="false" width="200" /> </a> <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-152440_OsmAnd+.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery4" data-caption="The horizontal orientation of the smartphone screen. Yellow marks are points, explored preliminary, a week earlier before activation, on the territory where it can conveniently encamp and deploy the antenna"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-152440_OsmAnd+.jpg" caption="false" width="356" /> </a> <br /><br /> <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-152226_OsmAnd+.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery4" data-caption="A map fragment with the drawn boundaries of few RFF references located in displayed area. How to turn on few boundaries displaying you can see on the track management screenshot shown a bit above. Violet line is recorded movement track to RFF-0852 boundaries"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-152226_OsmAnd+.jpg" caption="false" width="200" /> </a> <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-152121_OsmAnd+.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery4" data-caption="The same area, but with a different map “layer”. Some maps often show various details, that are not marked on another maps — sights, trails, streams, etc. Selecting appropriate map layer in the “menu &gt; Configure map”"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-152121_OsmAnd+.jpg" caption="false" width="200" /> </a> <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-151758_OsmAnd+.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery4" data-caption="Oncoming to the RFF reference boundary zoomed"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-151758_OsmAnd+.jpg" caption="false" width="200" /> </a> <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-151719_OsmAnd+.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery4" data-caption="The same, but with the map layer turned off — a demonstration of the situation of the Internet in-availability and offline maps lack. " spotted="" background="" the="" displaying="" of="" shading="" relief="" is="" not="" disabled="disabled" simply="" forgotten="" by="" me="" when="" modelling="" situation="" :=""> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-151719_OsmAnd+.jpg" caption="false" width="200" /> </a></p> <p>Besides, the last illustration demonstrates the advantages of navigating using our GPX-files of territory boundaries, if you have no offline maps and there is no Internet access to download them:<br />— the boundaries of the protected area are displayed on the screen with the color you set, your location relatively to these boundaries and the whole currently recording track of your movement. This case you will have to independently define on the ground the route to get to the area boundaries. But, any case, you will not miss these boundaries.</p> <p><br /><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20191015-163713_OsmAnd+.jpg" data-fancybox="" data-caption="Turn on the displaying of the track recording"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20191015-163713_OsmAnd+.jpg" class="pull-left" caption="false" width="200" /> </a></p> <p>Please note, the displaying of the recording GPS track of your movement in the application is disabled by default. If you want to see the recorded track on the screen, forcibly enable its displaying.</p> <div class="clearfix">...</div> <p><br /> <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20191017-030138_OsmAnd+.jpg" data-fancybox="" data-caption=""> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20191017-030138_OsmAnd+.jpg" class="pull-left" caption="false" width="200" /></a></p> <p>The last step that completes the RFF-reference activation is sending the QSO log and GPS tracks of arrival and departure from the place of activation to the log manager. Surprisingly, but some users find the getting of recorded tracks difficult, despite the fact these are ordinary basic file operations. It just needs to know where the application file storage is located. This can be individually for various smartphones, different Android versions and your application settings. Look for the file storage path in the general application settings in the <em><strong>menu &gt; settings &gt; OsmAnd settings &gt; Data storage folder</strong></em>. In addition, the plugin <strong>“Trip recording”</strong> in <em><strong>settings &gt; </strong>[select profile, eg Driving, Cycling, etc.]<strong> &gt; The track storage folder</strong></em> is set for storing of the recorded tracks into separate by month folders. There you should look for your recorded GPS tracks using the file manager if, for example, you connect your smartphone to a personal computer.</p> <p>Another way is to access the track files directly in the OsmAnd application. If you have carefully read this note, you remember about access to the track files in the <strong>“Tracks”</strong> tab, (<em><strong>menu &gt; My places</strong></em>). By opening the corresponding folder, you will get a list of all files. Call the context menu with the commands available for this file by tapping on the icon of three vertical dots to the right of the file name and choose required action there.</p> <p>Here you can move the file to another place, more convenient for you, or “share” it, for example, send it by e-mail to yourself, and then check your e-mail box on your personal computer. This is the most convenient way for me.</p> <div class="clearfix">...</div> <p></p> <p>Here, in fact, are all the difficulties with obtaining evidence. Do not forget to turn on the track recording when approaching the RFF reference, and do not forget to turn on the track recording when leaving the activation point. Nothing more is needed, regardless of the weather, lighting, free time, etc. Attach the recorded tracks to your QSO log and send an e-mail to the log manager with 100% proof of several (tens) kilobytes size instead of many megabytes of photos which do not prove anything.</p> <p class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">You can blame us of mistrust to activators as much as you want, but trust and proofs are much more convincing than just trust. In addition, everyone knows the joke that gentlemen believe each other's word.<br /><br />Finally, if whoever wants to participate he find a way. If whoever wants to hide something, he find excuses and reasons.</p> <hr /> <h5><a title="What are WWFF and RFF" href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/intro">“Make nature your shack!” — Intro</a></h5> <h5><a title="A few recommendations on how to activate RFF" href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/intro/hints">Some Hints</a></h5> <h5><a title="In order to your QSO will be credited to you and to your correspondents" href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/intro/confirming">Confirmation of an Activation</a></h5> <h5><a title="It is easier than you think" href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/intro/correct-log">How to prepare a log for RFF activation properly</a></h5> <h5>GPS tracks. What, how and why</h5> <h5><a title="WWFF awards for Dummies" href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/intro/wwff-awards">How to obtain WWFF awards</a></h5> <h3><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/rff/GPS-tracks.jpg" alt="" class="pull-left" />Introduction</h3> <p>More than six months have passed since we included <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/55-newsen/rff/199-rff-rules-refinement" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">GPS-tracks as necessary evidence</a> (confirmation, proof) of the activator's stay in the activated territory.</p> <p>Almost one and a half hundred logs provided with GPS-tracks were accepted from two dozen operators during this period.</p> <p>The GPS-tracks were not always perfect, sometimes requiring additional effort and time to verify, and sometimes it was not at all clear even what, where and when it was.</p> <p>The main complaint from potential activators was: “Why are you make things more complicated?! Make it easier and get more activators!”</p> <p>I can not agree with these complaints. Although this is just a hobby, in WWFF, as in any other game, there are certain rules and conventions that must be followed if you decide to play this game.</p> <p>It should be noted that WWFF is one of the most difficult games for activators. It’s not enough to encamp down anywhere on an administrative district territory, or even on the border between two districts of an oblast, it’s not enough to stop somewhere 5-6 km away from the helipad, or to “activate” the great river of Russia, being even 100–700 km far from its riverbank. And it’s not enough to encamp even near to the “activation” object.</p> <p>One of main WWFF Rules is:</p> <p class="alert alert-info" role="alert"><strong>4.4 Working within boundaries of the reference<br /> </strong>While activating a WWFF reference area, all equipment (including antenna/s, transceiver/s, power supply/ies, etc) must be within the boundaries of the relevant WWFF reference area. <br />It is not sufficient for part of the station to be within the boundary of the reference area.</p> <p>Accordingly, the log manager, in order to upload the activator' log into WWFF Logsearch, must be sure that this rule is completed. The activator should somehow confirm his presence within the territory boundaries during the reference activation.</p> <p>“Traditional” evidences (proofs), regular to many HAMs, as in some other similar programs, even in RFF before — photographs require a lot of effort of the activator. These are losses of time, what is always insufficient, enough of lighting is required, bad weather often interferes, and the most difficult thing is associating of the photos to the location, which, most often, is very difficult to provide. The boundaries of SPNA (Specially Protected Nature Areas) are often not marked at all on the terrain in many cases, there are no information boards, signs, signposts. And even if they exist, they often mark the boundary of SPNA a little better than nothing.</p> <p> </p> <p><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/20190615_114059_Crop.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery1" data-caption="Roadside information board on the way to RFF-0489, Forests of the Dubeshnya River Basin"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/20190615_114059_Crop.jpg" caption="false" width="400" /> </a> <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/20190615_114034_1080_Point.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery1" data-caption="The red dot marks the place where this board is installed relatively to the boundaries of the protected area"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/20190615_114034_1080_Point.jpg" caption="false" width="400" /> </a></p> <p><span style="color: #808080;"><em>These photos show an information board installed a kilometer to East from the nearest boundary of the protected area through a dense forest and 2 km to South from the boundary if you move along the trail (the place where it is located is marked with a red dot on the photo)</em></span></p> <p> </p> <p>Photos on the background of such “landmarks” do not confirm that the activator was really located within the boundaries of the protected area. Geotags could provide an association of photos to the location shown. But photocameras that able take photos with geotags are very rare and quite expensive, and besides that smartphones can do it in the same way, but they can also make GPS tracks. Additioally, there are ways to assign any geotag to any photo, no matter where and when this photo was taken. One way or another, suchlike proofs are costly for the activator and unconvincing for the log manager.</p> <p>Other photos could be more convincing then photos with “landmarks” — are photos of the navigation devices screens showing geographic coordinates of a place, shooted, for example, on background of deployed radio equipment. These photos anyway require devices able determine the geographic coordinates of a place. They are all the same smartphones or touristic, or automotive GPS navigators that still should be photographed by something another. Obviously, all of these devices are able to make GPS tracks by itself. And this kind of photos itself still do not prove anything at all, except the navigation device was at a point with these coordinates at a certain time point.</p> <p>All kinds of transport tickets, store and gas station checks, applications, permits, passes, etc. — do not make any sense in our game at all.</p> <p>Thus, none of the “evidence” mentioned above is reliable and convincing, at the same time it requires some effort and time for both — as to create by activator, as to verify by a log manager. Insignificantly.</p> <p>Besides, before providing any proofs to the log manager, the activator must be sure that he is<em> actually located in the protected area</em>, and not somewhere nearby. Especially if the boundary of the protected area is not indicated in any way on the terrain, which has the place to be all the time in our country.</p> <p>Both of these tasks — obtaining of reliable and convincing proofs and HAM's own orientation regarding the boundaries of protected areas can be successfully solved by using of GPS navigation devices and GPS tracks. It is hard to imagine that a modern traveling radioamateur does not have in his arsenal and does not use some GPS navigation device, whether it be an automotive or tourist GPS navigator, or a smartphone with a map. Moreover, please note — these tasks can be solved with minimal effort on his part, in other words — turn on the track recording and go.</p> <h3>GPS tracks. What is it?</h3> <p>The Rules of the “Russian Flora and Fauna” award program, the national part of the international “World Wide Flora and Fauna” (WWFF), have state:</p> <div class="alert alert-success" role="alert"><span style="color: #339966;">Necessary proof, confirming that the activator was located on the corresponding SPNA in the corresponding period are GPS tracks of the activator’s arrival to the site and departure from the site in format of GPX or KML (KMZ) <strong>files recorded by activator’s navigation device (automotive or touring GPS-navigator, smartphone)</strong></span>.</div> <p>The required GPS track is <strong>not</strong> a photo or a display screenshot of your navigation device with a displayed route, <strong>not</strong> a route drawn on a paper map or Google electronic map, Yandex or the like, and <strong>not</strong> an electronic file created from suchlike a drawn route.</p> <p>This is an ordinary text file <strong>created by your navigation device during your movement along a route</strong>, which contains the geographical coordinates of the points with an accuracy of several meters, the height of the points above sea level and the time when you were at these points. It may also contain other characteristics of points depending on the application creating the file, for example, temperature, heart rate, cadence, etc.</p> <p style="padding-left: 60px;"><em>GPX (GPS Exchange Format) — widely used, public XML-format of files for storing and exchange GPS data between various applications.</em></p> <p style="padding-left: 60px;"><em>KML (Keyhole Markup Language) — practically the same, but recorded on Keyhole markup language, targeted to Google applications. KMZ — the same KML, but in a compressed form (ZIP).<br /></em></p> <p>The distance between the points is usually quite small and is determined by the settings of the application used for track recording.</p> <p>You can open the GPS track in the suitable application, Google-, Yandex- or some other suchlike map and see the recorded route, as in whole as in the smallest details.</p> <p><br /><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/GPS-tracks_overview.jpg" data-fancybox="" data-caption="Boundaries of RFF-0915, Belskoye Lake are red. The GPS track of arrival at the place is blue, the track of departure from the protected area is yellow. To the west are visible boundaries of RFF-0501, the Valley of the Storozhka River; RFF-0489, Forests of the Dubeshnya River Basin to the more further west; RFF-0502, Zvenigorod Biostation of Moscow State University and the Sima quarry, a fragments is visible to southwest"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/GPS-tracks_overview.jpg" class="pull-left" caption="false" width="400" /> </a></p> <p><span style="color: #808080;"><em>Boundaries of RFF-0915, Belskoye Lake are red. The GPS track of arrival at the place is blue, the track of departure is yellow.<br />You can see boundaries of some other references too:<br />— RFF-0501, the Valley of the Storozhka River to the west;<br />— RFF-0489, Forests of the Dubeshnya River Basin to the more further west;<br />— RFF-0502, Zvenigorod Biostation of Moscow State University and the Sima quarry, a fragments is visible to southwest.</em></span></p> <div class="clearfix">...</div> <p><br /><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/GPS-tracks_zoom.jpg" data-fancybox="" data-caption="Movement on the territory of RFF-0915, Bielskoe Lake on a zoomed scale. Blue track — arrival, yellow track — departure. The complexity of the arrival track is due to prior on foot exploring of the way and the looking for a suitable place to deploy the antenna"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/GPS-tracks_zoom.jpg" class="pull-left" caption="false" width="400" /> </a></p> <p><span style="color: #808080;"><em>Movement on the territory of RFF-0915, Bielskoe Lake on a zoomed scale. Blue track — arrival, yellow track — departure. The complexity of the arrival track is due to prior on foot exploring of the way and the looking for a suitable place to deploy the antenna.</em></span></p> <div class="clearfix">...</div> <h3>GPS tracks as proofs</h3> <p>What are exactly these “smallest details” in the tracks which are the interest for log manager?</p> <p>You can absolutely be sure that we don’t have even the slightest interest in what floor and porch you left from, what girlfriends and how long you visited on the route, how much and which “warming up” in which store you bought, what gas station and how much was refueled into your bicycle, and another suchlike personal details that some activators are so worried about.</p> <p>As the proofs, only the final fragment of your trip from crossing the border of the protected area to the place of your radio station deployment and the same fragment of your returning are interested. If you are so worried about an imaginary leak of secret data about your personal life, you can turn on GPS track recording just 1–0.5 km before the border of the protected area. And turn off the recording as soon as you crossed the border on the way back.</p> <p>We are interested in <strong>(a)</strong> the fact of crossing the border of the protected area, <strong>(b)</strong> the radio station placement and the time of your arrival, <strong>(c)</strong> the time of departure from this place and (optionally) the fact of the crossing back the border. That's all.</p> <p>The log manager checks these circumstances in GPS tracks, the authenticity of the GPS tracks themselves, and also checks whether the time on air (according to the log) fits into the interval between arrival and departure.</p> <p> </p> <p><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/GPS-tracks_at-point_map.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery2" data-caption="Activator's placement on OSM (Open Street Map)"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/GPS-tracks_at-point_map.jpg" caption="false" width="400" /></a> <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/GPS-tracks_at-point.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery2" data-caption="Activator's placement on satellite image"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/GPS-tracks_at-point.jpg" caption="false" width="400" /></a></p> <p><span style="color: #808080;"><em>Placement. The end point of the arrival track and the start point of the departure track — red — differ by only ~ 5 meters. This may be due to both the accuracy of GPS positioning and the movement of the GPS device during shutdown (in fact, the bicycle with the navigator was moved to a more suitable place).</em></span></p> <p> </p> <p><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/GPS-tracks_time-in.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery3" data-caption="Arrival time is the end point of the “blue” track"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/GPS-tracks_time-in.jpg" caption="false" width="400" /></a> <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/GPS-tracks_time-out.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery3" data-caption=" Departure time is the first point on the “yellow” track"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/GPS-tracks_time-out.jpg" caption="false" width="400" /></a></p> <p><span style="color: #808080;"><em>Arrival time is the end point of the first track on the first slide. Departure time is the first point on the second slide.<br />In addition, you can see the geographical coordinates and some other parameters of points and tracks in general</em></span></p> <p> </p> <p>Arrival time - 10:27 MSK<br />Starting (First QSO) - 12:09 MSK<br />Shutdown (last QSO) - 16:45 MSK<br />Departure time - 18:47 MSK<br />________________________________<br />It is obvious that everything is OK here.</p> <h3>Reference boundaries</h3> <p>But, before checking these circumstances, it should to make sure that all these events took place within the boundaries of the protected area. Obviously, both the log manager accepting activation and the activator going to the protected area must have information about the boundaries of this protected area.</p> <p>There are various publicly available sources of information about the boundaries of protected areas.</p> <p><strong>The most obvious source</strong> is public maps: OpenStreetMaps (OSM), Google, Yandex, etc. Their main limitations are that not all protected areas are marked on them, the veracity of the border marking there remains very doubtful. There is no need to demonstrate in this article, how “exact” the boundaries of protected areas are on these maps. You will see this yourself much more than once.</p> <p>The most complete information about all protected areas of Russia, including map data, is available on the website (in Russian) of the <a href="http://oopt.aari.ru/oopt/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Information and Analytical System “Specially Protected Nature Areas of the Russian Federation” (IAS “SPNA of RF”)</a>. Any case, we strongly recommend get to know it before you go anywhere to RFF. First of all, carefully study the zoning of the territory and the security regime, permits and prohibitions, if necessary, the contacts of the managing organization. <br />Description of the territory — relief, geological information, hydrology, flora and fauna description are interesting itself, and in addition, they can help to choose supposed place for the radio deployment. I am personally, preferring to deploy an antenna on a tall tree limb, most closely get acquainted with the description of vegetation in general and the characteristics of the forest in particular — tree species and their distribution in the territory, the nature and density of undergrowth, etc.<br />Unfortunately, IAS “SPNA of RF” has many drawbacks. A very leisurely server, the map backgrounds do not work well. It is not always possible to find the latest documents on a specific protected area — it is clear that it is impossible to keep track of absolutely everything in a database of almost twenty thousand objects and a huge number of notes, documents and books. Map data are also far from always accurate. Nevertheless, IAS “SPNA of RF” remains the most authoritative source of various information about russian protected areas.</p> <p></p> <p><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Solikamskiy.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery5" data-caption="Solikamsky Zakaznik (Natural Reserve, IUCN cat. IV) in the Permskiy Krai. The blue line indicates the boundary according to the description and geographical coordinates from the Zakaznik's passport. It is unknown, on what the data source is determined the boundary in the IAS “SPNA of RF”"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Solikamskiy.jpg" caption="false" width="400" /></a> <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Storozhka-Valley.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery5" data-caption="The Storozhka river Valley. The blue line indicates the boundary of the Storozhkinsky Zakaznik (Natural Reserve, IUCN cat. IV) under the reorganization draft of the Reserve prepared by the “Verkhovye” Fund. Reorganization of the “Storozhka river Valley from the river mouth to the recreation center Corallovo” Zakaznik is produced under the control of the Ministry of Ecology and Environmental Management. The former SPNA (Specially Protected Nature Area) since the moment of organization in 1966 has not have clearly defined boundaries and was not put on cadastral registration. IAS “SPNA of RF” simply nowhere, except spun out of thin air, could get the boundaries that marked in orange. Activation is valid in the “blue boundaries”"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Storozhka-Valley.jpg" caption="false" width="400" /></a></p> <p><span style="color: #808080;"><em>Two illustrations of accordance the actual boundaries to boundaries indicated on the IAS “SPNA of RF” map<br /></em></span></p> <p></p> <p><strong>And finally, the third source exists</strong>. You probably noticed the illustration in the “GPS tracks. What is it?” section — black boundary contours of the RFF–0915, RFF–0501, RFF–0489 and RFF–502 territories. And definitely, you could not don't pay attention to them on two slides just before this paragraph. These are the closed GPS tracks (plots) displayed on the map, we prepared them in the GPX files form. We make such plots based on geographical coordinates from SPNA passports, verbal descriptions of borders, forestry charts, cadastral plots of Russian land registry, etc. Using these plots and GPS tracks, the log manager verifies the fact the activator crossed the boundary of RFF reference. Unlike of other sources, our plots also display the boundaries of the SPNA buffer zones, where activation is valid the same way as within the boundaries of the main territories, unless otherwise indicated.</p> <p>They are all most accurately aligned to the terrain, are detailed as possible, and, most importantly, if you will activate RFF reference within the boundaries we designated, it will be accepted if other rules will carried out too. It can not be said surely if you will use other information sources about boundaries.</p> <p>Another important advantage of our GPX is the ability to use them on a trip even when you do not have access to the Internet, which is required for any other electronic sources of boundary information, or offline electronic maps downloaded into your smartphone. I will tell about this more detailed below.</p> <p>Unfortunately, such GPX files are available yet for not all RFF references in the Directory. Their preparation requires a lot of time, we do this work as far as possible and as necessary. Currently, all of Moscow (R3A) and the Moscow oblast (R3D), Karelia (R1N), and a some RFF references from Bryansk (R3Y) and Kaluga (R3X) oblasts, Permskiy Krai (R9F), and some other entities are ready. Now we can send you the boundaries of the RFF references you are interested in from those we have already prepared, by e-mail request. Later they will be available for downloading from the site by yourself.</p> <p>If required RFF reference is still not in the GPX file form, we will prepare it if you request beforehand, but not on the last day before your trip — we need some time to prepare it.</p> <p>We have a plan to indicate the boundaries of all RFF references on the RDA-RAFA-WCA online map, supported and developed by Andrey R1CF, but we still can not do it well without special skills to deal with cartographical applications. Perhaps, later we will pay more attention to this plan.</p> <p class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">Please note: the SPNA boundaries indicated by our GPX are not official ones and can only be used in frame of the WWFF award program.</p> <h3>GPS tracks. How to record them?</h3> <p>GPS tracks can be recorded, as mentioned above, using automotive- and touristic GPS navigators, as well as using special applications installed in smartphones with GPS receivers (almost all smartphones currently sold are equipped with such receivers).<br />We will not consider all kinds of online GPS trackers with the location data transmission via satellites, and with service subscriptions, based on time, because of their sky-high prices and low prevalence in general.</p> <p>Owners of touristic and automotive Garmin’s should not have any problems in principle. Garmin devices have track recording as one of the main functions, and the owners are most likely familiar with it better than us.</p> <p>Navitel automotive navigators can record and save GPS tracks too, owners who usually do not use this function, should read the manual for their devices. The same can be said of other brands of GPS automotive navigation devices.</p> <p>For those who have never previously recorded GPS-tracks, we will consider the most affordable way to record them using smartphones and tablets with the Android operating system, which, most likely, travelling radio amateurs have.</p> <p>I scarcely can make mistake with the assertion that all modern, even relatively inexpensive smartphones are equipped with a GPS receiver. Things can be more complicated with tablets — I've seen such gadgets without a GPS receiver. You won’t succeed with them. Of course, there are external GPS receivers that communicate with a tablet or laptop via Bluetooth or USB, but their price is so specific that it may be simplier to buy an inexpensive smartphone.</p> <p>There are many Android applications that use a GPS receiver to solve their various tasks — from specialized sportive, such as Strava, Runtastic, etc., specialized urban, for example, Yandex transport, above mentioned automotive navigators for Android, suchlike Yandex navigator, Navitel, etc. to general applications like as Google Maps, Yandex Maps, MapsMe, Maverick, etc.</p> <p>I tried many of them and eventually settled on “OsmAnd”, which successfully solves all our tasks and does not contain too much excess options. I recommend this application to you, and it will be a bit explained below. Perhaps OsmAnd will not suit you and you will find, in the end, something more convenient, everything is in your hands and smartphones/tablets. What you should pay attention to:</p> <ul> <li>GPS-tracks recording and the ability to “share” them;</li> <li>loading GPS tracks and routes into the application (not everyone cares, but note: surprisingly, many applications do not know how to work with external memory cards, do not know how to set a special place for storing recorded and loaded from outside tracks);</li> <li>the ability to display a few tracks at the same time and, it is highly desirable, to set for each of them own display parameters (line color, thickness, transparency), the ability to enable or disable the displaying of some tracks;</li> <li>the ability to work without access to the Internet, i.e. pre-load into the smartphone the so-called offline maps of regions.</li> </ul> <p>The screenshots of the application shown below were prepared for the Russian version of this note but, sure, that the appearance of the application is no different for other languages too.</p> <p><br /><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-151404_Google Play Store.jpg" data-fancybox="" data-caption="OsmAnd at Google Play Market"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-151404_Google Play Store.jpg" class="pull-left" caption="false" width="200" /></a></p> <p>“OsmAnd” can do all this. It is easy to find the application on the Google Play Market. There are both free “OsmAnd” and paid “OsmAnd+” versions. The free version has limited (up to 7) number of map downloads and there is no way to view POI descriptions from Wikipedia. Neither the first nor the second is important for our tasks. The free version will be enough. Installation is simple and does not cause any difficulties. Just tap the “Install” button.</p> <div class="clearfix">...</div> <p><br /><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-152756_Samsung Experience Home.jpg" data-fancybox="" data-caption="Turn ON GPS module — the second icon in the upper left row on my screenshot, and turn off the power saving mode — the first “Energy Saving” icon in the third bottom row"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-152756_Samsung Experience Home.jpg" class="pull-left" caption="false" width="200" /></a></p> <p>In order to the application would be able to determine your location, you must enable the GPS module in your smartphone. This is the second icon in the upper left row on my screenshot. It is switched ON here. The module additionally uses power, so it makes sense to turn it off for powersaving when not in use.</p> <p>To prevent the track record interruption at the moments when the smartphone’s display goes blank, you should turn off the power saving mode (the first “Energy Saving” icon in the third bottom row — it is shown in the “ON” state). There are other ways to deal with track recording interruptions during the blanking of the display, I did not discover them due to the lack of need. You will explore it yourself, if you want.</p> <p>The appearance of these icons may vary depending on the Android version.</p> <div class="clearfix">...</div> <p><br /><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-151841_OsmAnd+.jpg" data-fancybox="" data-caption="The application’s main screen"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-151841_OsmAnd+.jpg" class="pull-left" caption="false" width="200" /></a></p> <p>This is the application’s main screen. You will find out yourself the purpose of the buttons, their location and set of displayed. I will especially note only the two most important buttons:</p> <ul> <li>all application settings, maps loading, tracks, etc. are in the <strong>application menu</strong>, which you can open by tapping the button in the lower left screen corner;</li> <li><strong>tracks recording</strong> is activated by tap on round button with a “GPX” label in the upper right corner of the screen. Here it is shown in gray — track recording is switched off. This button is red during recording a track..</li> </ul> <div class="clearfix">...</div> <p><br /><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20191015-155200_OsmAnd+.jpg" data-fancybox="" data-caption="Enable the “Trip recording” plugin In order to appear the “GPX” button on your screen"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20191015-155200_OsmAnd+.jpg" class="pull-left" caption="false" width="200" /></a></p> <p>In order to appear this button on your screen, you need to enable the “Trip recording” plugin:<br /><em><strong>Menu &gt; Plugins &gt; Trip Record</strong></em><br /><br />The plugin has its own settings. It is not difficult to understand these settings by yourself.</p> <div class="clearfix">...</div> <p><br /><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20191017-044354_OsmAnd+.jpg" data-fancybox="" data-caption="Stop logging and save the current track"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20191017-044354_OsmAnd+.jpg" class="pull-left" caption="false" width="200" /></a></p> <p>Stop track recording after arriving to the place — call up the pop-up menu by tapping the “GPX” button and select the “Stop GPX Logging” command. Do not forget to save the recorded track — call up the pop-up menu by tapping the “GPX” button again and select the “Save current track” command. Then, in order to save the smartphone's battery charge, you can exit the “OsmAnd” application and turn off the GPS module (“Geodata” icon) until the leaving the activation place.</p> <div class="clearfix">...</div> <p><br /><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-152533_OsmAnd+.jpg" data-fancybox="" data-caption="GPS tracks management in the “Tracks” tab"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-152533_OsmAnd+.jpg" class="pull-left" caption="false" width="200" /></a></p> <p>Management of all GPS tracks is located in the Tracks tab: <em><strong>menu &gt; my places</strong></em>. Here you can enable or disable the track displaying on the map, set their individual color and line thickness, start and stop recording the current track, and so on. Carefully review this screen on your smartphone, scroll down to access folders, containing the tracks recorded by the smartphone, folders, containing tracks downloaded from the outside, etc.</p> <div class="clearfix">...</div> <p></p> <p>The application works great both with vertical and horizontal screen layouts, with various map over- and underlays, or without laying in general, with different display zooming — the larger the zoom, the smoother and more detailed are outlines of objects on the map, and more smooth and detailed your tracks are displayed.</p> <p><br /><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-152354_OsmAnd+.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery4" data-caption="The vertical orientation of the smartphone screen. The double red line is the buffer zone of the RFF-0852, Zakaznik “Nara river Valley”. Violet line — recorded track to the zakaznik boundary"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-152354_OsmAnd+.jpg" caption="false" width="200" /> </a> <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-152440_OsmAnd+.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery4" data-caption="The horizontal orientation of the smartphone screen. Yellow marks are points, explored preliminary, a week earlier before activation, on the territory where it can conveniently encamp and deploy the antenna"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-152440_OsmAnd+.jpg" caption="false" width="356" /> </a> <br /><br /> <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-152226_OsmAnd+.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery4" data-caption="A map fragment with the drawn boundaries of few RFF references located in displayed area. How to turn on few boundaries displaying you can see on the track management screenshot shown a bit above. Violet line is recorded movement track to RFF-0852 boundaries"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-152226_OsmAnd+.jpg" caption="false" width="200" /> </a> <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-152121_OsmAnd+.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery4" data-caption="The same area, but with a different map “layer”. Some maps often show various details, that are not marked on another maps — sights, trails, streams, etc. Selecting appropriate map layer in the “menu &gt; Configure map”"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-152121_OsmAnd+.jpg" caption="false" width="200" /> </a> <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-151758_OsmAnd+.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery4" data-caption="Oncoming to the RFF reference boundary zoomed"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-151758_OsmAnd+.jpg" caption="false" width="200" /> </a> <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-151719_OsmAnd+.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery4" data-caption="The same, but with the map layer turned off — a demonstration of the situation of the Internet in-availability and offline maps lack. " spotted="" background="" the="" displaying="" of="" shading="" relief="" is="" not="" disabled="disabled" simply="" forgotten="" by="" me="" when="" modelling="" situation="" :=""> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20190919-151719_OsmAnd+.jpg" caption="false" width="200" /> </a></p> <p>Besides, the last illustration demonstrates the advantages of navigating using our GPX-files of territory boundaries, if you have no offline maps and there is no Internet access to download them:<br />— the boundaries of the protected area are displayed on the screen with the color you set, your location relatively to these boundaries and the whole currently recording track of your movement. This case you will have to independently define on the ground the route to get to the area boundaries. But, any case, you will not miss these boundaries.</p> <p><br /><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20191015-163713_OsmAnd+.jpg" data-fancybox="" data-caption="Turn on the displaying of the track recording"> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20191015-163713_OsmAnd+.jpg" class="pull-left" caption="false" width="200" /> </a></p> <p>Please note, the displaying of the recording GPS track of your movement in the application is disabled by default. If you want to see the recorded track on the screen, forcibly enable its displaying.</p> <div class="clearfix">...</div> <p><br /> <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20191017-030138_OsmAnd+.jpg" data-fancybox="" data-caption=""> <img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/gpx/Screenshot_20191017-030138_OsmAnd+.jpg" class="pull-left" caption="false" width="200" /></a></p> <p>The last step that completes the RFF-reference activation is sending the QSO log and GPS tracks of arrival and departure from the place of activation to the log manager. Surprisingly, but some users find the getting of recorded tracks difficult, despite the fact these are ordinary basic file operations. It just needs to know where the application file storage is located. This can be individually for various smartphones, different Android versions and your application settings. Look for the file storage path in the general application settings in the <em><strong>menu &gt; settings &gt; OsmAnd settings &gt; Data storage folder</strong></em>. In addition, the plugin <strong>“Trip recording”</strong> in <em><strong>settings &gt; </strong>[select profile, eg Driving, Cycling, etc.]<strong> &gt; The track storage folder</strong></em> is set for storing of the recorded tracks into separate by month folders. There you should look for your recorded GPS tracks using the file manager if, for example, you connect your smartphone to a personal computer.</p> <p>Another way is to access the track files directly in the OsmAnd application. If you have carefully read this note, you remember about access to the track files in the <strong>“Tracks”</strong> tab, (<em><strong>menu &gt; My places</strong></em>). By opening the corresponding folder, you will get a list of all files. Call the context menu with the commands available for this file by tapping on the icon of three vertical dots to the right of the file name and choose required action there.</p> <p>Here you can move the file to another place, more convenient for you, or “share” it, for example, send it by e-mail to yourself, and then check your e-mail box on your personal computer. This is the most convenient way for me.</p> <div class="clearfix">...</div> <p></p> <p>Here, in fact, are all the difficulties with obtaining evidence. Do not forget to turn on the track recording when approaching the RFF reference, and do not forget to turn on the track recording when leaving the activation point. Nothing more is needed, regardless of the weather, lighting, free time, etc. Attach the recorded tracks to your QSO log and send an e-mail to the log manager with 100% proof of several (tens) kilobytes size instead of many megabytes of photos which do not prove anything.</p> <p class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">You can blame us of mistrust to activators as much as you want, but trust and proofs are much more convincing than just trust. In addition, everyone knows the joke that gentlemen believe each other's word.<br /><br />Finally, if whoever wants to participate he find a way. If whoever wants to hide something, he find excuses and reasons.</p> <hr /> <h5><a title="What are WWFF and RFF" href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/intro">“Make nature your shack!” — Intro</a></h5> <h5><a title="A few recommendations on how to activate RFF" href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/intro/hints">Some Hints</a></h5> <h5><a title="In order to your QSO will be credited to you and to your correspondents" href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/intro/confirming">Confirmation of an Activation</a></h5> <h5><a title="It is easier than you think" href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/intro/correct-log">How to prepare a log for RFF activation properly</a></h5> <h5>GPS tracks. What, how and why</h5> <h5><a title="WWFF awards for Dummies" href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/intro/wwff-awards">How to obtain WWFF awards</a></h5> GreenParty 2019 2019-05-27T10:08:20+00:00 2019-05-27T10:08:20+00:00 http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/wwff-events/greenparty-19 RN3ANT RN3ANT [AT] uqrqc [DOT] ru <p><em><strong>Now is 8th edition of "GreenParty", with annual activity under the patronage of The Romanian Society of Radioamateurs (SRR).</strong></em></p> <p><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/GreenParty-2019-YOFF-sigla.jpg" alt="GreenParty Logo" class="pull-left" title="GreenParty Logo" caption="false" width="200" />You can read the original text of the Greenparty Rules in English on the official website of YOFF — <a href="http://wff-yo.blogspot.ru/p/blog-page_3.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">http://wff-yo.blogspot.ru/p/blog-page_3.html</a></p> <p><em><strong>Now is 8th edition of "GreenParty", with annual activity under the patronage of The Romanian Society of Radioamateurs (SRR).</strong></em></p> <p><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/GreenParty-2019-YOFF-sigla.jpg" alt="GreenParty Logo" class="pull-left" title="GreenParty Logo" caption="false" width="200" />You can read the original text of the Greenparty Rules in English on the official website of YOFF — <a href="http://wff-yo.blogspot.ru/p/blog-page_3.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">http://wff-yo.blogspot.ru/p/blog-page_3.html</a></p> The RFF logo is available for download 2018-11-20T09:43:06+00:00 2018-11-20T09:43:06+00:00 http://www.outdoorqrp.org/49-ff-en/187-rff-logo-available admin RN3ANT [AT] uqrqc [DOT] ru <p><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/RFF-Logo_125x125.jpg" alt="RFF Logo colour 125x125 px" class="pull-left" title="RFF Logo" />Now you can download the logo of the “Russian flora and Fauna” national program, which is part of the International award program <a href="http://wwff.co/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">WWFF.</a></p> <p>The RAR-archive, which can be downloaded at <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/download-logo">http://www.outdoorqrp.org/download-logo</a>, contains two vector files in Adobe Illustrator format — coloured one in CMYK color model and B/W in grayscale, as well as two bitmap images of 200 x 200 pix. for preview.</p> <p>Freely use it for your QSL cards, notepads, flags, t-shirts... anything. If you encounter any difficulties with downloading or using the Logo, please let us know in any convenient way, for example, immediately in the comments to this note.</p> <p><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/RFF-Logo_125x125.jpg" alt="RFF Logo colour 125x125 px" class="pull-left" title="RFF Logo" />Now you can download the logo of the “Russian flora and Fauna” national program, which is part of the International award program <a href="http://wwff.co/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">WWFF.</a></p> <p>The RAR-archive, which can be downloaded at <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/download-logo">http://www.outdoorqrp.org/download-logo</a>, contains two vector files in Adobe Illustrator format — coloured one in CMYK color model and B/W in grayscale, as well as two bitmap images of 200 x 200 pix. for preview.</p> <p>Freely use it for your QSL cards, notepads, flags, t-shirts... anything. If you encounter any difficulties with downloading or using the Logo, please let us know in any convenient way, for example, immediately in the comments to this note.</p> GreenParty 2018 2018-05-13T10:08:20+00:00 2018-05-13T10:08:20+00:00 http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/wwff-events/greenparty admin RN3ANT [AT] uqrqc [DOT] ru <p><em><strong>Now is 7th edition of "GreenParty", with annual activity under the patronage of The Romanian Society of Radioamateurs (SRR).</strong></em></p> <p><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/GreenParty-2018-YOFF-sigla.jpg" alt="GreenParty Logo" class="pull-left" title="GreenParty Logo" caption="false" width="200" />You can read the original text of the Greenparty Rules in English on the official website of YOFF — <a href="http://wff-yo.blogspot.ru/p/blog-page_3.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">http://wff-yo.blogspot.ru/p/blog-page_3.html</a></p> <p><em><strong>Now is 7th edition of "GreenParty", with annual activity under the patronage of The Romanian Society of Radioamateurs (SRR).</strong></em></p> <p><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/GreenParty-2018-YOFF-sigla.jpg" alt="GreenParty Logo" class="pull-left" title="GreenParty Logo" caption="false" width="200" />You can read the original text of the Greenparty Rules in English on the official website of YOFF — <a href="http://wff-yo.blogspot.ru/p/blog-page_3.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">http://wff-yo.blogspot.ru/p/blog-page_3.html</a></p> “Russian Flora & Fauna”. Results of 2023 2023-05-09T14:50:56+00:00 2023-05-09T14:50:56+00:00 http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2023 RN3ANT RN3ANT [AT] gmail [DOT] com <p>Activity in the “Russian Flora and Fauna” (RFF) award program in 2023 was so low that there is almost nothing to summarize.</p> <p>A total of 52 logs were accepted from 16 activators for activating of 27 RFF references. 73 RFF-H certificates have been awarded. As in previous years, the most active activator is Valery <strong>R7KFF</strong>. But even he has 13 references activated in 2023 against 19 in the equally challenging 2022. It is understandable, Valery has been to all active references in Crimea more than once, and given the known events in our country, activations in Crimea are becoming more and more savory.</p> <p><strong>RO3M</strong> team saves the overall situation a bit with two ATNO references, with its 1300+ and almost 1500 QSOs, which amounted to almost a third of the total number of QSO made.</p> <p>The bright event of the past year was the incredible trip of Anton RG0C to the Shantar Islands, <strong>RFF-0360</strong>. Extremely rare region for RFF, the rarest reference and extreme sailing on Okhotsk Sea on the easternmost edge of our country.</p> <p>Sad event is happened. In the autumn of 2023 we lost our Stan <strong>UA3LMR</strong>, log manager, inspirer and conscience of the RFF program. This is an irreplaceable loss for family and friends, the “Russian Flora and Fauna” amateur radio award program.<br />So it will be quite fair to say that now already unmanageable RFF is stayed without inspiration and lost its conscience.</p> <p>As you can see in the table below, the leaders of the 2023 rating are Valery <strong>R7KFF</strong> among activators and Mikhail <strong>R9AB</strong> among hunters. Prizes and commemorative certificates will be soon produced and sent to all involved.</p> <p>We will have to implement some upcoming changes to the Program Rules and amend the rules of providing proofs in 2024. In addition, the Directory will soon be significantly enriched with new references and the award program will hopefully get a few new awards. Stay in touch to our website for these updates.</p> <p>I wish everyone for peace to come as soon as possible, excellent propagation, new references in the scores, and also new, interesting travels for activators.<br />And take care of your health!</p> <p>During 2023 “Russian Flora and Fauna” program counted:</p> <ul> <li>activators — 16;</li> <li>hunters — 3947;</li> <li>including Russian hunters — 2502;</li> <li>QSO total — 9073;</li> <li>RFF-references activated — 27<br />(the same RFF-reference can be activated by different activators);<br />Average* number QSO per reference — 301.6 ↑</li> </ul> <p>
activatorshunters all over the worldhunters in russia
placecall signrefs.average*placecall signrefs.placecall signrefs.
1R7KFF13↑ 123.1 1R9AB21 1R9AB21
</p> <p><strong>*</strong> — average number of QSOs per 1 activation — indicator published for information only, it does not affect the activators distribution in the table.<br />It is calculated as the arithmetic mean of all the results of the activator, excluding the one smallest and the one largest results.</p> <hr /> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2024" title="RFF Rating 2024" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2024</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2022" title="RFF Rating 2022. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2022. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2021" title="RFF Rating 2021. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2021. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2020" title="RFF Rating 2020. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2020. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2019" title="RFF Rating 2019. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2019. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2018" title="RFF Rating 2018. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2018. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-rules" title="Rules of RFF participants Rating" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Rules of RFF activators and hunters Rating</a></h5> <p></p>
<p>Activity in the “Russian Flora and Fauna” (RFF) award program in 2023 was so low that there is almost nothing to summarize.</p> <p>A total of 52 logs were accepted from 16 activators for activating of 27 RFF references. 73 RFF-H certificates have been awarded. As in previous years, the most active activator is Valery <strong>R7KFF</strong>. But even he has 13 references activated in 2023 against 19 in the equally challenging 2022. It is understandable, Valery has been to all active references in Crimea more than once, and given the known events in our country, activations in Crimea are becoming more and more savory.</p> <p><strong>RO3M</strong> team saves the overall situation a bit with two ATNO references, with its 1300+ and almost 1500 QSOs, which amounted to almost a third of the total number of QSO made.</p> <p>The bright event of the past year was the incredible trip of Anton RG0C to the Shantar Islands, <strong>RFF-0360</strong>. Extremely rare region for RFF, the rarest reference and extreme sailing on Okhotsk Sea on the easternmost edge of our country.</p> <p>Sad event is happened. In the autumn of 2023 we lost our Stan <strong>UA3LMR</strong>, log manager, inspirer and conscience of the RFF program. This is an irreplaceable loss for family and friends, the “Russian Flora and Fauna” amateur radio award program.<br />So it will be quite fair to say that now already unmanageable RFF is stayed without inspiration and lost its conscience.</p> <p>As you can see in the table below, the leaders of the 2023 rating are Valery <strong>R7KFF</strong> among activators and Mikhail <strong>R9AB</strong> among hunters. Prizes and commemorative certificates will be soon produced and sent to all involved.</p> <p>We will have to implement some upcoming changes to the Program Rules and amend the rules of providing proofs in 2024. In addition, the Directory will soon be significantly enriched with new references and the award program will hopefully get a few new awards. Stay in touch to our website for these updates.</p> <p>I wish everyone for peace to come as soon as possible, excellent propagation, new references in the scores, and also new, interesting travels for activators.<br />And take care of your health!</p> <p>During 2023 “Russian Flora and Fauna” program counted:</p> <ul> <li>activators — 16;</li> <li>hunters — 3947;</li> <li>including Russian hunters — 2502;</li> <li>QSO total — 9073;</li> <li>RFF-references activated — 27<br />(the same RFF-reference can be activated by different activators);<br />Average* number QSO per reference — 301.6 ↑</li> </ul> <p>
activatorshunters all over the worldhunters in russia
placecall signrefs.average*placecall signrefs.placecall signrefs.
1R7KFF13↑ 123.1 1R9AB21 1R9AB21
</p> <p><strong>*</strong> — average number of QSOs per 1 activation — indicator published for information only, it does not affect the activators distribution in the table.<br />It is calculated as the arithmetic mean of all the results of the activator, excluding the one smallest and the one largest results.</p> <hr /> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2024" title="RFF Rating 2024" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2024</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2022" title="RFF Rating 2022. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2022. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2021" title="RFF Rating 2021. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2021. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2020" title="RFF Rating 2020. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2020. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2019" title="RFF Rating 2019. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2019. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2018" title="RFF Rating 2018. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2018. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-rules" title="Rules of RFF participants Rating" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Rules of RFF activators and hunters Rating</a></h5> <p></p>
“Russian Flora & Fauna”. Activators and hunters Rating 2024 2023-05-09T14:50:56+00:00 2023-05-09T14:50:56+00:00 http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2024 RN3ANT RN3ANT [AT] gmail [DOT] com <p>During 2024 “Russian Flora and Fauna” program at the moment counts:</p> <ul> <li>activators — 4;</li> <li>hunters — 739;</li> <li>including Russian hunters — 437;</li> <li>QSO total — 1333;</li> <li>RFF-references activated — 12<br />(the same RFF-reference can be activated by different activators);<br />Average* number QSO per reference — 91.1 ↑</li> </ul> <p>
activatorshunters all over the worldhunters in russia
placecall signrefs.average*placecall signrefs.placecall signrefs.
1R7KFF10↓ 77.5 1OM5TX12 1–2RA3RGQ11
</p> <p><strong>*</strong> — average number of QSOs per 1 activation — indicator published for information only, it does not affect the activators distribution in the table.<br />It is calculated as the arithmetic mean of all the results of the activator, excluding the one smallest and the one largest results.</p> <p>Tables are updated permanently as logs are received in accordance with the <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-rules" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="Rules of RFF activators and hunters Rating">Rating Rules</a>.</p> <hr /> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2023" title="RFF Rating 2023. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2023. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2022" title="RFF Rating 2022. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2022. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2021" title="RFF Rating 2021. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2021. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2020" title="RFF Rating 2020. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2020. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2019" title="RFF Rating 2019. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2019. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2018" title="RFF Rating 2018. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2018. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-rules" title="Rules of RFF participants Rating" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Rules of RFF activators and hunters Rating</a></h5> <p></p>
<p>During 2024 “Russian Flora and Fauna” program at the moment counts:</p> <ul> <li>activators — 4;</li> <li>hunters — 739;</li> <li>including Russian hunters — 437;</li> <li>QSO total — 1333;</li> <li>RFF-references activated — 12<br />(the same RFF-reference can be activated by different activators);<br />Average* number QSO per reference — 91.1 ↑</li> </ul> <p>
activatorshunters all over the worldhunters in russia
placecall signrefs.average*placecall signrefs.placecall signrefs.
1R7KFF10↓ 77.5 1OM5TX12 1–2RA3RGQ11
</p> <p><strong>*</strong> — average number of QSOs per 1 activation — indicator published for information only, it does not affect the activators distribution in the table.<br />It is calculated as the arithmetic mean of all the results of the activator, excluding the one smallest and the one largest results.</p> <p>Tables are updated permanently as logs are received in accordance with the <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-rules" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="Rules of RFF activators and hunters Rating">Rating Rules</a>.</p> <hr /> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2023" title="RFF Rating 2023. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2023. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2022" title="RFF Rating 2022. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2022. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2021" title="RFF Rating 2021. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2021. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2020" title="RFF Rating 2020. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2020. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2019" title="RFF Rating 2019. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2019. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2018" title="RFF Rating 2018. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2018. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-rules" title="Rules of RFF participants Rating" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Rules of RFF activators and hunters Rating</a></h5> <p></p>
How to obtain WWFF awards 2020-04-07T21:25:54+00:00 2020-04-07T21:25:54+00:00 http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/intro/wwff-awards UA3LMR RN3ANT [AT] uqrqc [DOT] ru <p>The WWFF award program has its own autoscoring system and issues a lot of electronic certificates. You need to register on the official website of the program — <strong><a href="http://wwff.co/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">wwff.co</a> </strong>to apply and get them . Since registered, you will get full access to your personal score, both an activator or a hunter, and will able to apply automatically for a number of awards, both global WWFF and national or special, issued for QSO with special callsigns, special events or short term.</p> <p>So, let us consider what is needed for this. First, enter to the site and you will see:</p> <figure class="pull-left"><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/wwff_awards/pic_1.2.jpg" alt="" /> <figcaption>home page of WWFF website</figcaption> </figure> <p>If you are already registered on the site, click “Log in” in the left column and skip the next few steps. If not, click on the “Register” link.</p> <figure class="pull-left"><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/wwff_awards/pic_3.jpg" alt="" /> <figcaption>the form of new user registration</figcaption> </figure> <p>First of all, enter “User name”. Note, use only your callsign, not the nicknames that you use in various forums and social networks!</p> <p>Then enter your e-mail address, which will be used later for awards receiving.</p> <p>Next, fill in three fields:<br /> – Primary callsign — your main callsign;<br /> – Continent — your continent (drop-down list);<br /> – DXCC — your country designation by DXCC list (for example, RA, RA2 or RA9).</p> <p>After filling in these basic fields, click on the “Register” button below and wait for the admin's approving of registration to your e-mail.</p> <div class="clearfix">...</div> <p>Since your registration is approved, you can log in the website, change password of your account, add another (previous) callsigns you used.</p> <figure class="pull-left"><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/wwff_awards/pic_6.jpg" alt="" /> <figcaption>entering your personal area</figcaption> </figure> <div class="clearfix"></div> <figure class="pull-left"><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/wwff_awards/pic_4.5.jpg" alt="" /> <figcaption>requesting of password recovering</figcaption> </figure> <p>As for the last: all your previous callsigns will be taken into account in your overall score if you indicated them in your profile. In addition, if your personal callsign was indicated as the team operator's callsign in the uploaded team's or special temporary callsign's log, the Logsearch will take into account all QSO you conducted under those callsigns also to your personal score. Awards are issued to your primary callsign.</p> <p>If you forgot your password for some reason, you can restore it by clicking the link “Lost your password?”</p> <div class="clearfix">...</div> <p>Now you proceed to the most interesting thing, namely, applying of awards that you have earned. To do this, click on the “Logsearch” menu at the page top:</p> <figure class="pull-left"><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/wwff_awards/pic_7.jpg" alt="" /> <figcaption>“LogSearch” menu</figcaption> </figure> <p>And you get into the form, where all your callsigns are listed, and where you can select the period for the search, as well as your role — “Hunter” or “Activator”. You can remain everything default and click the “Search” button.</p> <figure class="pull-left"><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/wwff_awards/pic_8.jpg" alt="" /> <figcaption>“LogSearch” form</figcaption> </figure> <div class="clearfix"></div> <p>The search will take some time, because, as you can see in the illustration, 13'206'338 logs from 24'348 references in 142 DXCC countries were loaded into the database at the time of this writing. This is a quite popular award program in the world!</p> <p>So, at the next page you are getting access to all information found for your callsigns.</p> <figure class="pull-left"><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/wwff_awards/pic_9.jpg" alt="" /> <figcaption>search results</figcaption> </figure> <div class="clearfix"></div> <p>Here you can already send applications for global WWFF awards. If you see the “Apply” word, then you can hardily click the button! The Logsearch will automatically generate an application and will send it to the manager responsible for this award..</p> <figure class="pull-left"><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/wwff_awards/pic_10.jpg" alt="" /> <figcaption>“Apply” buttons</figcaption> </figure> <div class="clearfix"></div> <p>You will also get confirmation of sending the application for a specific award on your e-mail, specified during registration. After accepting the application, the awards manager will check it and send you an electronic certificate by e-mail. Usually, it takes from 2 days to a week, depending on free time of that awards manager.</p> <p>To obtain national awards, for example, RFF series, you need to choose the page of national awards by clicking on the “National Awards” button.</p> <figure class="pull-left"><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/wwff_awards/pic_11.jpg" alt="" /> <figcaption>WWFF national awards</figcaption> </figure> <div class="clearfix"></div> <p>Here is everything the same: check, what awards and degree of award can you apply (depending of the award terms — move cursor over button and tip will appear). If an award is completed, the “Apply …” words are on the button. The procedure is the same as for general WWFF awards — click the button and get your earned award by e-mail shortly.</p> <figure class="pull-left"><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/wwff_awards/pic_14.jpg" alt="" /> <figcaption>RFF-H and RFF-A awards</figcaption> </figure> <div class="clearfix"></div> <p>The RFF-H and RFF-A awards are first one for “hunters” and second one for “activators”.<br /><br />As you can see, everything is quite simple. Happy hunting and see you on air!</p> <p style="text-align: left;">73/44! Stan (UA3LMR)</p> <p></p> <hr /> <h5><a title="What are WWFF and RFF" href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/intro">“Make nature your shack!” — Intro</a></h5> <h5><a title="A few recommendations on how to activate RFF" href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/intro/hints">Some Hints</a></h5> <h5><a title="In order to your QSO will be credited to you and to your correspondents" href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/intro/confirming">Confirmation of an Activation</a></h5> <h5><a title="It is easier than you think" href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/intro/correct-log">How to prepare a log for RFF activation properly</a></h5> <h5><a title="Easy, convenient and necessary" href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/intro/gps-tracks">GPS tracks. What, how and why</a></h5> <h5>How to obtain WWFF awards</h5> <p>The WWFF award program has its own autoscoring system and issues a lot of electronic certificates. You need to register on the official website of the program — <strong><a href="http://wwff.co/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">wwff.co</a> </strong>to apply and get them . Since registered, you will get full access to your personal score, both an activator or a hunter, and will able to apply automatically for a number of awards, both global WWFF and national or special, issued for QSO with special callsigns, special events or short term.</p> <p>So, let us consider what is needed for this. First, enter to the site and you will see:</p> <figure class="pull-left"><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/wwff_awards/pic_1.2.jpg" alt="" /> <figcaption>home page of WWFF website</figcaption> </figure> <p>If you are already registered on the site, click “Log in” in the left column and skip the next few steps. If not, click on the “Register” link.</p> <figure class="pull-left"><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/wwff_awards/pic_3.jpg" alt="" /> <figcaption>the form of new user registration</figcaption> </figure> <p>First of all, enter “User name”. Note, use only your callsign, not the nicknames that you use in various forums and social networks!</p> <p>Then enter your e-mail address, which will be used later for awards receiving.</p> <p>Next, fill in three fields:<br /> – Primary callsign — your main callsign;<br /> – Continent — your continent (drop-down list);<br /> – DXCC — your country designation by DXCC list (for example, RA, RA2 or RA9).</p> <p>After filling in these basic fields, click on the “Register” button below and wait for the admin's approving of registration to your e-mail.</p> <div class="clearfix">...</div> <p>Since your registration is approved, you can log in the website, change password of your account, add another (previous) callsigns you used.</p> <figure class="pull-left"><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/wwff_awards/pic_6.jpg" alt="" /> <figcaption>entering your personal area</figcaption> </figure> <div class="clearfix"></div> <figure class="pull-left"><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/wwff_awards/pic_4.5.jpg" alt="" /> <figcaption>requesting of password recovering</figcaption> </figure> <p>As for the last: all your previous callsigns will be taken into account in your overall score if you indicated them in your profile. In addition, if your personal callsign was indicated as the team operator's callsign in the uploaded team's or special temporary callsign's log, the Logsearch will take into account all QSO you conducted under those callsigns also to your personal score. Awards are issued to your primary callsign.</p> <p>If you forgot your password for some reason, you can restore it by clicking the link “Lost your password?”</p> <div class="clearfix">...</div> <p>Now you proceed to the most interesting thing, namely, applying of awards that you have earned. To do this, click on the “Logsearch” menu at the page top:</p> <figure class="pull-left"><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/wwff_awards/pic_7.jpg" alt="" /> <figcaption>“LogSearch” menu</figcaption> </figure> <p>And you get into the form, where all your callsigns are listed, and where you can select the period for the search, as well as your role — “Hunter” or “Activator”. You can remain everything default and click the “Search” button.</p> <figure class="pull-left"><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/wwff_awards/pic_8.jpg" alt="" /> <figcaption>“LogSearch” form</figcaption> </figure> <div class="clearfix"></div> <p>The search will take some time, because, as you can see in the illustration, 13'206'338 logs from 24'348 references in 142 DXCC countries were loaded into the database at the time of this writing. This is a quite popular award program in the world!</p> <p>So, at the next page you are getting access to all information found for your callsigns.</p> <figure class="pull-left"><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/wwff_awards/pic_9.jpg" alt="" /> <figcaption>search results</figcaption> </figure> <div class="clearfix"></div> <p>Here you can already send applications for global WWFF awards. If you see the “Apply” word, then you can hardily click the button! The Logsearch will automatically generate an application and will send it to the manager responsible for this award..</p> <figure class="pull-left"><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/wwff_awards/pic_10.jpg" alt="" /> <figcaption>“Apply” buttons</figcaption> </figure> <div class="clearfix"></div> <p>You will also get confirmation of sending the application for a specific award on your e-mail, specified during registration. After accepting the application, the awards manager will check it and send you an electronic certificate by e-mail. Usually, it takes from 2 days to a week, depending on free time of that awards manager.</p> <p>To obtain national awards, for example, RFF series, you need to choose the page of national awards by clicking on the “National Awards” button.</p> <figure class="pull-left"><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/wwff_awards/pic_11.jpg" alt="" /> <figcaption>WWFF national awards</figcaption> </figure> <div class="clearfix"></div> <p>Here is everything the same: check, what awards and degree of award can you apply (depending of the award terms — move cursor over button and tip will appear). If an award is completed, the “Apply …” words are on the button. The procedure is the same as for general WWFF awards — click the button and get your earned award by e-mail shortly.</p> <figure class="pull-left"><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/wwff_awards/pic_14.jpg" alt="" /> <figcaption>RFF-H and RFF-A awards</figcaption> </figure> <div class="clearfix"></div> <p>The RFF-H and RFF-A awards are first one for “hunters” and second one for “activators”.<br /><br />As you can see, everything is quite simple. Happy hunting and see you on air!</p> <p style="text-align: left;">73/44! Stan (UA3LMR)</p> <p></p> <hr /> <h5><a title="What are WWFF and RFF" href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/intro">“Make nature your shack!” — Intro</a></h5> <h5><a title="A few recommendations on how to activate RFF" href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/intro/hints">Some Hints</a></h5> <h5><a title="In order to your QSO will be credited to you and to your correspondents" href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/intro/confirming">Confirmation of an Activation</a></h5> <h5><a title="It is easier than you think" href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/intro/correct-log">How to prepare a log for RFF activation properly</a></h5> <h5><a title="Easy, convenient and necessary" href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/intro/gps-tracks">GPS tracks. What, how and why</a></h5> <h5>How to obtain WWFF awards</h5> “Russian Flora & Fauna”. Results 2020 2019-04-06T14:50:56+00:00 2019-04-06T14:50:56+00:00 http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2020 RN3ANT RN3ANT [AT] gmail [DOT] com <p>During 2020 “Russian Flora and Fauna” program at the moment counts:</p> <ul> <li>activators — 20 (+2 &lt;44 QSO);</li> <li>hunters — 4014;</li> <li>including Russian hunters — 1568;</li> <li>QSO total — 16020;</li> <li>RFF-references activated — 89<br />(the same RFF-reference can be activated by different activators);<br />Average* number QSO per reference — 169.3 ↓</li> </ul> <p>Despite the fact that we maintain this rating for individual RFF activators, we can not fail to note and congratulate the RO3M team on their successful debut in RFF (WWFF), having conducted 1132 QSOs from the Levashovsky zakaznik, RFF-0994.<br />The story of how this was happening is published (in Russian) on <a href="https://srr76.ru/ro3m-levashovo/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">the website of the Yaroslavl Regional Public Association (ROO) of the Union of Radioamateurs of Russia (SRR)</a>.<br />Keep it up! Thanks!</p> <p></p> <p>
activatorshunters all over the worldhunters in russia
placecall signrefs.average*placecall signrefs.placecall signrefs.
1R5AF2993.8 1OM1AX84 1R9AB57
</p> <p><strong>*</strong> — average number of QSOs per 1 activation — indicator published for information only, it does not affect the activators distribution in the table.<br />It is calculated as the arithmetic mean of all the results of the activator, excluding the one smallest and the one largest results.</p> <p>Tables are updated permanently as logs are received in accordance with the <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-rules" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="Rules of RFF activators and hunters Rating">Rating Rules</a>.</p> <hr /> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2024" title="RFF Rating 2024" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2024</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2023" title="RFF Rating 2023. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2023. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2022" title="RFF Rating 2022. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2022. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2021" title="RFF Rating 2021. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2021. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2019" title="RFF Rating 2019. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2019. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2018" title="RFF Rating 2018. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2018. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-rules" title="Rules of RFF participants Rating" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Rules of RFF activators and hunters Rating</a></h5> <p></p>
<p>During 2020 “Russian Flora and Fauna” program at the moment counts:</p> <ul> <li>activators — 20 (+2 &lt;44 QSO);</li> <li>hunters — 4014;</li> <li>including Russian hunters — 1568;</li> <li>QSO total — 16020;</li> <li>RFF-references activated — 89<br />(the same RFF-reference can be activated by different activators);<br />Average* number QSO per reference — 169.3 ↓</li> </ul> <p>Despite the fact that we maintain this rating for individual RFF activators, we can not fail to note and congratulate the RO3M team on their successful debut in RFF (WWFF), having conducted 1132 QSOs from the Levashovsky zakaznik, RFF-0994.<br />The story of how this was happening is published (in Russian) on <a href="https://srr76.ru/ro3m-levashovo/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">the website of the Yaroslavl Regional Public Association (ROO) of the Union of Radioamateurs of Russia (SRR)</a>.<br />Keep it up! Thanks!</p> <p></p> <p>
activatorshunters all over the worldhunters in russia
placecall signrefs.average*placecall signrefs.placecall signrefs.
1R5AF2993.8 1OM1AX84 1R9AB57
</p> <p><strong>*</strong> — average number of QSOs per 1 activation — indicator published for information only, it does not affect the activators distribution in the table.<br />It is calculated as the arithmetic mean of all the results of the activator, excluding the one smallest and the one largest results.</p> <p>Tables are updated permanently as logs are received in accordance with the <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-rules" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="Rules of RFF activators and hunters Rating">Rating Rules</a>.</p> <hr /> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2024" title="RFF Rating 2024" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2024</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2023" title="RFF Rating 2023. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2023. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2022" title="RFF Rating 2022. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2022. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2021" title="RFF Rating 2021. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2021. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2019" title="RFF Rating 2019. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2019. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2018" title="RFF Rating 2018. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2018. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-rules" title="Rules of RFF participants Rating" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Rules of RFF activators and hunters Rating</a></h5> <p></p>
“Russian Flora & Fauna”. Results of 2021 2019-04-06T14:50:56+00:00 2019-04-06T14:50:56+00:00 http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2021 UA3LMR ua3lmr [AT] mail [DOT] ru <p>The results of radio amateur activity in the RFF (Russian Flora and Fauna) program for 2021 are summarized.</p> <p>Despite the many limitations caused by the pandemic, there have been some quite good results for the year:</p> <ol> <li>The number of activators is 17 individual and 3 club stations. Of course, in comparison with other award programs, this is not so much, but... It is worth to take into account that the RFF is a rather complicated program, with higher requirements for the activation crediting. We should also consider the fact that comparing to other national WWFF programs, the number of our activators is quite high. There are new radio amateurs interested in the program who are trying their hand as activators and, many not without success.</li> <li>The number of hunters is 4'751, including 2'068 of Russians. Comparing to 2020, there is an increase in interest - last year it was 4'014 hunters, including 1'568 Russians.</li> <li>82 references were activated during the year. This is not much less than previous year's result of 89 references. The decrease in the number of activations was due more to the above-mentioned pandemic restrictions than to activators' reluctance.</li> <li>17'236 QSO were conducted, the average number of QSO per activation for most of activators exceeded 100 with minimal required number of 44 QSO..</li> <li>It was issued RFF-H awards: 209 for QSO with 11 references and 128 for QSO with 22 references. We look forward to opening access to applications for the higher grades and, accordingly, to get new award applications.</li> </ol> <p>Congratulations to the winners: Valery R7KFF for first place in the activator rating with a great result of 50 activated references and Pasi OH1MM for first place in the international hunter rating with a result of 72 out of 82 activated references! The prizes for the winners have already been ordered and will be sent to their home address shortly.</p> <p>Thank you very much to all who took part in Rating-2021 and wewelcome to Rating-2022. Good health, good luck, and good passage in 2022. Take care!</p> <p>Russian Flora and Fauna Team</p> <h4>The summarized table of 2021</h4> <p>
activatorshunters all over the worldhunters in russia
placecall signrefs.average*placecall signrefs.placecall signrefs.
1R7KFF50105.1 1OH1MM72 1RW4PP60
</p> <p><strong>*</strong> — average number of QSOs per 1 activation — indicator published for information only, it does not affect the activators distribution in the table.<br />It is calculated as the arithmetic mean of all the results of the activator, excluding the one smallest and the one largest results.</p> <p>Tables were updated permanently as logs were received in accordance with the <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-rules" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="Rules of RFF activators and hunters Rating">Rating Rules</a>.</p> <hr /> <p></p> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2024" title="RFF Rating 2024" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2024</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2023" title="RFF Rating 2023. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2023. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2022" title="RFF Rating 2022. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2022. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2020" title="RFF Rating 2020. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2020. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2019" title="RFF Rating 2019. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2019. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2018" title="RFF Rating 2018. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2018. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-rules" title="Rules of RFF participants Rating" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Rules of RFF activators and hunters Rating</a></h5>
<p>The results of radio amateur activity in the RFF (Russian Flora and Fauna) program for 2021 are summarized.</p> <p>Despite the many limitations caused by the pandemic, there have been some quite good results for the year:</p> <ol> <li>The number of activators is 17 individual and 3 club stations. Of course, in comparison with other award programs, this is not so much, but... It is worth to take into account that the RFF is a rather complicated program, with higher requirements for the activation crediting. We should also consider the fact that comparing to other national WWFF programs, the number of our activators is quite high. There are new radio amateurs interested in the program who are trying their hand as activators and, many not without success.</li> <li>The number of hunters is 4'751, including 2'068 of Russians. Comparing to 2020, there is an increase in interest - last year it was 4'014 hunters, including 1'568 Russians.</li> <li>82 references were activated during the year. This is not much less than previous year's result of 89 references. The decrease in the number of activations was due more to the above-mentioned pandemic restrictions than to activators' reluctance.</li> <li>17'236 QSO were conducted, the average number of QSO per activation for most of activators exceeded 100 with minimal required number of 44 QSO..</li> <li>It was issued RFF-H awards: 209 for QSO with 11 references and 128 for QSO with 22 references. We look forward to opening access to applications for the higher grades and, accordingly, to get new award applications.</li> </ol> <p>Congratulations to the winners: Valery R7KFF for first place in the activator rating with a great result of 50 activated references and Pasi OH1MM for first place in the international hunter rating with a result of 72 out of 82 activated references! The prizes for the winners have already been ordered and will be sent to their home address shortly.</p> <p>Thank you very much to all who took part in Rating-2021 and wewelcome to Rating-2022. Good health, good luck, and good passage in 2022. Take care!</p> <p>Russian Flora and Fauna Team</p> <h4>The summarized table of 2021</h4> <p>
activatorshunters all over the worldhunters in russia
placecall signrefs.average*placecall signrefs.placecall signrefs.
1R7KFF50105.1 1OH1MM72 1RW4PP60
</p> <p><strong>*</strong> — average number of QSOs per 1 activation — indicator published for information only, it does not affect the activators distribution in the table.<br />It is calculated as the arithmetic mean of all the results of the activator, excluding the one smallest and the one largest results.</p> <p>Tables were updated permanently as logs were received in accordance with the <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-rules" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="Rules of RFF activators and hunters Rating">Rating Rules</a>.</p> <hr /> <p></p> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2024" title="RFF Rating 2024" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2024</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2023" title="RFF Rating 2023. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2023. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2022" title="RFF Rating 2022. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2022. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2020" title="RFF Rating 2020. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2020. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2019" title="RFF Rating 2019. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2019. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2018" title="RFF Rating 2018. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2018. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-rules" title="Rules of RFF participants Rating" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Rules of RFF activators and hunters Rating</a></h5>
“Russian Flora & Fauna”. Results of 2022 2019-04-06T14:50:56+00:00 2019-04-06T14:50:56+00:00 http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2022 RN3ANT RN3ANT [AT] gmail [DOT] com <p>The results of RFF (Russian Flora and Fauna) radio amateur awarding program activity for 2022 is summarised.</p> <p>It has been a difficult year with quite hard challenges for our country and beyond. Nevertheless, given the situation, there were achieved some pretty good results:</p> <p>Fourteen activators took part in the program. Two activations were made for the first time from a difficult, remote region — the Far East, personal thanks to <strong>R0CDP</strong> for that! The total number of activations for known reasons was less than in previous years. We hope that everything will go back to normal and activity will increase noticeable in 2023.</p> <p>The results of the hunters also decreased due to the small number of activations. There were only 2'316, including 1'285 Russian participants.</p> <p>34 references were activated during the year, this is significantly less than previous year's result. The decrease in the number of activations is obviously due more to the known problems of our country than to the reluctance of the activators. There were established 5675 QSOs, the average number per reference exceeded 156 QSOs.</p> <p>The number of <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/awards-issued/wwff-serie" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><strong>RFF-A and RFF-H awards issued</strong></a> is steadily increasing, and access was opened to apply 20 references for activators and 44 for hunters in <a href="https://wwff.co/logsearch/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><strong>WWFF Logsearch</strong></a> this year. We look forward to opening access to apply next, higher degrees of RFF awards and, accordingly, to accepting of new applications.</p> <p>Congratulations to the winners:</p> <ul> <li>Valery <strong>R7KFF</strong> for first place in the activator ranking, once again showing a good result with 19 activated references;</li> <li>Sergey <strong>R2RZ</strong> for first place in the international hunter ranking with 23 of 34 activated references. This is the first time in our program that a domestic station has won this ranking!</li> </ul> <p>Prizes and commemorative certificates have already been ordered and will be sent to the winners shortly.</p> <p>Many thanks to all who took part in the 2022 Rankings and we hope to see you in the 2023 Rankings. Good health, good luck, peace and good propagation in 2023.</p> <hr /> <h5>Final table of RFF activators and hunters rankings in 2022</h5> <p>
activatorshunters all over the worldhunters in russia
placecall signrefs.average*placecall signrefs.placecall signrefs.
1R7KFF19↑72.0 1R2RZ23 1R2RZ23
</p> <p><strong>*</strong> — average number of QSOs per 1 activation — indicator published for information only, it does not affect the activators distribution in the table.<br />It is calculated as the arithmetic mean of all the results of the activator, excluding the one smallest and the one largest results.</p> <hr /> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2024" title="RFF Rating 2024" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2024</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2023" title="RFF Rating 2023. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2023. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2021" title="RFF Rating 2021. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2021. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2020" title="RFF Rating 2020. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2020. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2019" title="RFF Rating 2019. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2019. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2018" title="RFF Rating 2018. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2018. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-rules" title="Rules of RFF participants Rating" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Rules of RFF activators and hunters Rating</a></h5> <p></p>
<p>The results of RFF (Russian Flora and Fauna) radio amateur awarding program activity for 2022 is summarised.</p> <p>It has been a difficult year with quite hard challenges for our country and beyond. Nevertheless, given the situation, there were achieved some pretty good results:</p> <p>Fourteen activators took part in the program. Two activations were made for the first time from a difficult, remote region — the Far East, personal thanks to <strong>R0CDP</strong> for that! The total number of activations for known reasons was less than in previous years. We hope that everything will go back to normal and activity will increase noticeable in 2023.</p> <p>The results of the hunters also decreased due to the small number of activations. There were only 2'316, including 1'285 Russian participants.</p> <p>34 references were activated during the year, this is significantly less than previous year's result. The decrease in the number of activations is obviously due more to the known problems of our country than to the reluctance of the activators. There were established 5675 QSOs, the average number per reference exceeded 156 QSOs.</p> <p>The number of <a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/awards-issued/wwff-serie" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><strong>RFF-A and RFF-H awards issued</strong></a> is steadily increasing, and access was opened to apply 20 references for activators and 44 for hunters in <a href="https://wwff.co/logsearch/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><strong>WWFF Logsearch</strong></a> this year. We look forward to opening access to apply next, higher degrees of RFF awards and, accordingly, to accepting of new applications.</p> <p>Congratulations to the winners:</p> <ul> <li>Valery <strong>R7KFF</strong> for first place in the activator ranking, once again showing a good result with 19 activated references;</li> <li>Sergey <strong>R2RZ</strong> for first place in the international hunter ranking with 23 of 34 activated references. This is the first time in our program that a domestic station has won this ranking!</li> </ul> <p>Prizes and commemorative certificates have already been ordered and will be sent to the winners shortly.</p> <p>Many thanks to all who took part in the 2022 Rankings and we hope to see you in the 2023 Rankings. Good health, good luck, peace and good propagation in 2023.</p> <hr /> <h5>Final table of RFF activators and hunters rankings in 2022</h5> <p>
activatorshunters all over the worldhunters in russia
placecall signrefs.average*placecall signrefs.placecall signrefs.
1R7KFF19↑72.0 1R2RZ23 1R2RZ23
</p> <p><strong>*</strong> — average number of QSOs per 1 activation — indicator published for information only, it does not affect the activators distribution in the table.<br />It is calculated as the arithmetic mean of all the results of the activator, excluding the one smallest and the one largest results.</p> <hr /> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2024" title="RFF Rating 2024" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2024</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2023" title="RFF Rating 2023. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2023. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2021" title="RFF Rating 2021. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2021. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2020" title="RFF Rating 2020. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2020. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2019" title="RFF Rating 2019. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2019. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2018" title="RFF Rating 2018. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2018. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-rules" title="Rules of RFF participants Rating" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Rules of RFF activators and hunters Rating</a></h5> <p></p>
“Russian Flora and Fauna”. Results of 2018 2019-01-18T18:47:58+00:00 2019-01-18T18:47:58+00:00 http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2018 RN3ANT RN3ANT [AT] uqrqc [DOT] ru <p>The results of the radio amateurs activity under the RFF (Russian Flora and Fauna) program in 2018 have been summed up.</p> <p>27 individual operators went outdoors 81 times during the year in order to activate 45 RFF-references, and conducted a total of 21’144 QSOs with 10’750 correspondents.</p> <p>Also 3 teams conducted 23’229 QSO from three RFF-references:</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px;">RI0B from RFF-0015 — 21’324 QSO;<br />RK9LWZ from RFF-0372 — 1’564 QSO;<br />RY3Y from RFF-0262 — 341 QSO.</p> <p>Thus, 27 individual operators and 3 teams have activated 48 RFF-references and conducted in total 44’373 QSOs with 14’773 correspondents during 2018.</p> <p>It should to note, not all of these 14 thousand correspondents were interested exactly to contact RFF-reference. IOTA hunters (call sign RI0B sounded from 4 rarest, hard-to-reach IOTAs in arctic Kara Sea, RK1OWA/p and RZ1OA/p were very active from IOTA EU-066, Solovetsky Islands in White Sea), and hunters for Antarctica (RI1ANO and RI50ANO were often sounding from Bellingshausen antarctic base, also IOTA AN-010) conducted a significant part of these QSOs. No doubt, there were also RDA hunters and there were just random QSOs.</p> <p>It can suppose, QSOs with 1–2–3…, even with 4 RFF-references, may well be random, but QSOs with 5 or more RFF-references most likely already indicate some operator's interest for “Flora &amp; Fauna” programs, whether WWFF in general or RFF in particular. We counted 537 such correspondents with 5 or more RFF-references in 2018, they conducted 4’798 QSO excluding another duplicated QSOs with the same RFF-reference. Let's see what will happen on 2019 results.</p> <p>The top 10 individual activators and hunters by the number of credited RFF-references look like this:</p> <p></p> <p></p> <table id="tab_ZDsdHWoI7D" class="tabtable-rs_pw1ee5xc " data-ruleset="rs_pw1ee5xc.xml:rs_pw1ee5xc"> <thead> <tr class="tabrow tr_ht1"> <td class="tabcol col_width_1"></td> <td colspan="4" class="tabcol col_width_2">activators</td> <td colspan="4" class="tabcol col_width_6">hunters all over the world</td> <td colspan="3" class="tabcol col_width_10">hunters in russia</td> </tr> <tr class="tabrow tr_ht2"> <td class="tabcol col_width_1">place</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_2">call sign</td> <td colspan="2" class="tabcol col_width_3">refs.</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_5">place</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_6">call sign</td> <td colspan="2" class="tabcol col_width_7">refs.</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_9">place</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_10">call sign</td> <td colspan="2" class="tabcol col_width_11">refs.</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="tabrow "> <td class="tabcol col_width_1">1</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_2">OH2IO</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_3">11</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_4"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_5">1</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_6">IZ2BHQ</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_7">38</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_8"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_9">1</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_10">UA4PKN</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_11">28</td> <td class="tabcol"></td> </tr> <tr class="tabrow "> <td class="tabcol col_width_1">–</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_2">UA3LMR</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_3">11</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_4"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_5">2</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_6">UT5PI</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_7">36</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_8"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_9">2</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_10">RW4PP</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_11">27</td> <td class="tabcol"></td> </tr> <tr class="tabrow "> <td class="tabcol col_width_1">–</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_2">RN3ANT</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_3">8</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_4"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_5">3–4</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_6">I5FLN</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_7">35</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_8"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_9">3</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_10">UA4NBA</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_11">22</td> <td class="tabcol"></td> </tr> <tr class="tabrow "> <td class="tabcol col_width_1">2–3</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_2">R7KFF</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_3">4</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_4"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_5">3–4</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_6">OH6RP</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_7">35</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_8"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_9">4</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_10">R6LZ</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_11">20</td> <td class="tabcol"></td> </tr> <tr class="tabrow "> <td class="tabcol col_width_1">2–3</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_2">UA4AVN</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_3">4</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_4"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_5">5</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_6">UR7ET</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_7">34</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_8"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_9">5</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_10">R9AB</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_11">17</td> <td class="tabcol"></td> </tr> <tr class="tabrow "> <td class="tabcol col_width_1">4–6</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_2">R4ACU</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_3">3</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_4"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_5">6</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_6">OH3GZ</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_7">33</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_8"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_9">6–8</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_10">R4AN</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_11">16</td> <td class="tabcol"></td> </tr> <tr class="tabrow "> <td class="tabcol col_width_1">4–6</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_2">RC8SC</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_3">3</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_4"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_5">7</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_6">DF1YQ</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_7">31</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_8"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_9">6–8</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_10">R6AC</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_11">16</td> <td class="tabcol"></td> </tr> <tr class="tabrow "> <td class="tabcol col_width_1">4–6</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_2">UA3LDU</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_3">3</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_4"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_5">8</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_6">DL2ND</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_7">29</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_8"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_9">6–8</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_10">RA9AJ</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_11">16</td> <td class="tabcol"></td> </tr> <tr class="tabrow "> <td class="tabcol col_width_1">7–9</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_2">R3YC</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_3">2</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_4"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_5">9–11</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_6">9A1AA</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_7">28</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_8"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_9">9–10</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_10">RW4HB</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_11">14</td> <td class="tabcol"></td> </tr> <tr class="tabrow "> <td class="tabcol col_width_1">7–9</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_2">RU9SO</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_3">2</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_4"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_5">9–11</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_6">UA4PKN</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_7">28</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_8"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_9">9–10</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_10">UA6HGY</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_11">14</td> <td class="tabcol"></td> </tr> <tr class="tabrow "> <td class="tabcol col_width_1">7–9</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_2">UA3FQ</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_3">2</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_4"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_5">9–11</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_6">YO6LB</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_7">28</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_8"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_9"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_10"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_11"></td> <td class="tabcol"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p></p> <p>The best hunter and best activator of 2018 are awarded with commemorative prizes. Activators and hunters, who took the II and III places, are awarded with commemorative certificates.<br />Russian hunters, who took I–III places, also are awarded with commemorative certificates.</p> <figure><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/rff/ANT06690_845.jpg" alt="" /> <figcaption>Commemorative prizes for the best RFF hunter and RFF activator</figcaption> </figure> <p></p> <figure><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/rff/ANT06732_845x634.jpg" alt="Commemorative certificates for the rating leaders" /> <figcaption>Commemorative certificates were departed to the leaders of the rating following by the prizes</figcaption> </figure> <p>Since the beginning of 2019 we start to maintain a Rating of RFF activators and hunters in the categories:</p> <ul> <li>individual activators by the number of RFF-references activated during the year;</li> <li>all over the World hunters by the number of RFF-references credited for the year;</li> <li>Russian hunters by the number of RFF-references credited for the year.</li> </ul> <hr /> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2024" title="RFF Rating 2024" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2024</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2023" title="RFF Rating 2023. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2023. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2022" title="RFF Rating 2022. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2022. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2021" title="RFF Rating 2021. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2021. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2020" title="RFF Rating 2020. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2020. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2019" title="RFF Rating 2019. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2019. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-rules" title="Rules of RFF participants Rating" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Rules of RFF activators and hunters Rating</a></h5> <p> </p> <p>The results of the radio amateurs activity under the RFF (Russian Flora and Fauna) program in 2018 have been summed up.</p> <p>27 individual operators went outdoors 81 times during the year in order to activate 45 RFF-references, and conducted a total of 21’144 QSOs with 10’750 correspondents.</p> <p>Also 3 teams conducted 23’229 QSO from three RFF-references:</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px;">RI0B from RFF-0015 — 21’324 QSO;<br />RK9LWZ from RFF-0372 — 1’564 QSO;<br />RY3Y from RFF-0262 — 341 QSO.</p> <p>Thus, 27 individual operators and 3 teams have activated 48 RFF-references and conducted in total 44’373 QSOs with 14’773 correspondents during 2018.</p> <p>It should to note, not all of these 14 thousand correspondents were interested exactly to contact RFF-reference. IOTA hunters (call sign RI0B sounded from 4 rarest, hard-to-reach IOTAs in arctic Kara Sea, RK1OWA/p and RZ1OA/p were very active from IOTA EU-066, Solovetsky Islands in White Sea), and hunters for Antarctica (RI1ANO and RI50ANO were often sounding from Bellingshausen antarctic base, also IOTA AN-010) conducted a significant part of these QSOs. No doubt, there were also RDA hunters and there were just random QSOs.</p> <p>It can suppose, QSOs with 1–2–3…, even with 4 RFF-references, may well be random, but QSOs with 5 or more RFF-references most likely already indicate some operator's interest for “Flora &amp; Fauna” programs, whether WWFF in general or RFF in particular. We counted 537 such correspondents with 5 or more RFF-references in 2018, they conducted 4’798 QSO excluding another duplicated QSOs with the same RFF-reference. Let's see what will happen on 2019 results.</p> <p>The top 10 individual activators and hunters by the number of credited RFF-references look like this:</p> <p></p> <p></p> <table id="tab_ZDsdHWoI7D" class="tabtable-rs_pw1ee5xc " data-ruleset="rs_pw1ee5xc.xml:rs_pw1ee5xc"> <thead> <tr class="tabrow tr_ht1"> <td class="tabcol col_width_1"></td> <td colspan="4" class="tabcol col_width_2">activators</td> <td colspan="4" class="tabcol col_width_6">hunters all over the world</td> <td colspan="3" class="tabcol col_width_10">hunters in russia</td> </tr> <tr class="tabrow tr_ht2"> <td class="tabcol col_width_1">place</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_2">call sign</td> <td colspan="2" class="tabcol col_width_3">refs.</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_5">place</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_6">call sign</td> <td colspan="2" class="tabcol col_width_7">refs.</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_9">place</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_10">call sign</td> <td colspan="2" class="tabcol col_width_11">refs.</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="tabrow "> <td class="tabcol col_width_1">1</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_2">OH2IO</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_3">11</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_4"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_5">1</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_6">IZ2BHQ</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_7">38</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_8"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_9">1</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_10">UA4PKN</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_11">28</td> <td class="tabcol"></td> </tr> <tr class="tabrow "> <td class="tabcol col_width_1">–</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_2">UA3LMR</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_3">11</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_4"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_5">2</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_6">UT5PI</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_7">36</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_8"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_9">2</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_10">RW4PP</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_11">27</td> <td class="tabcol"></td> </tr> <tr class="tabrow "> <td class="tabcol col_width_1">–</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_2">RN3ANT</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_3">8</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_4"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_5">3–4</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_6">I5FLN</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_7">35</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_8"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_9">3</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_10">UA4NBA</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_11">22</td> <td class="tabcol"></td> </tr> <tr class="tabrow "> <td class="tabcol col_width_1">2–3</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_2">R7KFF</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_3">4</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_4"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_5">3–4</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_6">OH6RP</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_7">35</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_8"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_9">4</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_10">R6LZ</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_11">20</td> <td class="tabcol"></td> </tr> <tr class="tabrow "> <td class="tabcol col_width_1">2–3</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_2">UA4AVN</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_3">4</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_4"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_5">5</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_6">UR7ET</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_7">34</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_8"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_9">5</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_10">R9AB</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_11">17</td> <td class="tabcol"></td> </tr> <tr class="tabrow "> <td class="tabcol col_width_1">4–6</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_2">R4ACU</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_3">3</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_4"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_5">6</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_6">OH3GZ</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_7">33</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_8"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_9">6–8</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_10">R4AN</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_11">16</td> <td class="tabcol"></td> </tr> <tr class="tabrow "> <td class="tabcol col_width_1">4–6</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_2">RC8SC</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_3">3</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_4"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_5">7</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_6">DF1YQ</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_7">31</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_8"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_9">6–8</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_10">R6AC</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_11">16</td> <td class="tabcol"></td> </tr> <tr class="tabrow "> <td class="tabcol col_width_1">4–6</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_2">UA3LDU</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_3">3</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_4"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_5">8</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_6">DL2ND</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_7">29</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_8"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_9">6–8</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_10">RA9AJ</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_11">16</td> <td class="tabcol"></td> </tr> <tr class="tabrow "> <td class="tabcol col_width_1">7–9</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_2">R3YC</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_3">2</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_4"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_5">9–11</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_6">9A1AA</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_7">28</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_8"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_9">9–10</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_10">RW4HB</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_11">14</td> <td class="tabcol"></td> </tr> <tr class="tabrow "> <td class="tabcol col_width_1">7–9</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_2">RU9SO</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_3">2</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_4"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_5">9–11</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_6">UA4PKN</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_7">28</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_8"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_9">9–10</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_10">UA6HGY</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_11">14</td> <td class="tabcol"></td> </tr> <tr class="tabrow "> <td class="tabcol col_width_1">7–9</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_2">UA3FQ</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_3">2</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_4"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_5">9–11</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_6">YO6LB</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_7">28</td> <td class="tabcol col_width_8"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_9"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_10"></td> <td class="tabcol col_width_11"></td> <td class="tabcol"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p></p> <p>The best hunter and best activator of 2018 are awarded with commemorative prizes. Activators and hunters, who took the II and III places, are awarded with commemorative certificates.<br />Russian hunters, who took I–III places, also are awarded with commemorative certificates.</p> <figure><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/rff/ANT06690_845.jpg" alt="" /> <figcaption>Commemorative prizes for the best RFF hunter and RFF activator</figcaption> </figure> <p></p> <figure><img src="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/images/rff/ANT06732_845x634.jpg" alt="Commemorative certificates for the rating leaders" /> <figcaption>Commemorative certificates were departed to the leaders of the rating following by the prizes</figcaption> </figure> <p>Since the beginning of 2019 we start to maintain a Rating of RFF activators and hunters in the categories:</p> <ul> <li>individual activators by the number of RFF-references activated during the year;</li> <li>all over the World hunters by the number of RFF-references credited for the year;</li> <li>Russian hunters by the number of RFF-references credited for the year.</li> </ul> <hr /> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2024" title="RFF Rating 2024" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2024</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2023" title="RFF Rating 2023. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2023. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2022" title="RFF Rating 2022. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2022. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2021" title="RFF Rating 2021. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2021. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2020" title="RFF Rating 2020. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2020. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2019" title="RFF Rating 2019. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2019. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-rules" title="Rules of RFF participants Rating" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Rules of RFF activators and hunters Rating</a></h5> <p> </p> Rules of RFF activators and hunters Rating 2019-01-18T22:32:08+00:00 2019-01-18T22:32:08+00:00 http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-rules RN3ANT RN3ANT [AT] uqrqc [DOT] ru <p>Since the beginning of 2019 we have started to maintain a Rating of RFF activators and hunters in the categories:</p> <ul> <li>individual activators by the number of RFF-references activated during the year;</li> <li>all over the World hunters by the number of RFF-references credited for the year;</li> <li>Russian hunters by the number of RFF-references credited for the year.</li> </ul> <h3>RFF Rating Rules:</h3> <p>1. The Ratings of RFF-activators and RFF-hunters are calculated on the base of approved logs, submitted by the RFF-activators to RFF log-manager. QSOs conducted since 00:00 UTC of January 01 and until 23:59 UTC of December 31 of the reviewed year are counted.</p> <p>2. Any valid RFF references are counted for the Rating, regardless of whether they were already credited to activators and hunters in previous years or still not.</p> <p>3. The activators rating considers only those references, where 44 or more QSOs were conducted by the activator in the reviewed year. Otherwise the reference is not taken into account in activator's result for reviewed year.</p> <p>4. RFF references are credited to hunters on the basis of QSO records in approved logs, submitted by activators, regardless of whether the RFF reference is credited to the activator or not (see Section 3).</p> <p>5. TOP-10 activators and TOP-44 hunters charts are published on the website and updated as far as submitting and approving activators logs.</p> <p>6. Activators logs are accepted for the Rating no later than January 5 of the year following the reviewed one.</p> <p>7. The final results of the year are published on the website on January 15 of the year following the reviewed one.</p> <p>8. Awarding:</p> <ul> <li>the best RFF-hunter and best RFF-activator of the year are awarded with commemorative prizes;</li> <li>RFF-hunters and RFF-activators, who took the II and III places, are awarded with commemorative certificates;</li> <li>russian RFF-hunters, who took I–III places, are awarded with commemorative certificates.</li> </ul> <p>RFF national coordinator and log-manager are not nominee for awarding.</p> <p>9. The Rules of RFF Rating may be changed in any their part during the current year. The changes are published on the website in the Rules and take effect:<br />— in terms of categories and awarding since the moment of publication depending on sponsoring;<br />— in other parts since the next year beginning.</p> <hr /> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2024" title="RFF Rating 2024" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2024</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2023" title="RFF Rating 2023. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2023. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2022" title="RFF Rating 2022. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2022. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2021" title="RFF Rating 2021. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2021. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2020" title="RFF Rating 2020. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2020. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2019" title="RFF Rating 2019. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2019. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2018" title="RFF Rating 2018. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2018. Results</a></h5> <p></p> <p>Since the beginning of 2019 we have started to maintain a Rating of RFF activators and hunters in the categories:</p> <ul> <li>individual activators by the number of RFF-references activated during the year;</li> <li>all over the World hunters by the number of RFF-references credited for the year;</li> <li>Russian hunters by the number of RFF-references credited for the year.</li> </ul> <h3>RFF Rating Rules:</h3> <p>1. The Ratings of RFF-activators and RFF-hunters are calculated on the base of approved logs, submitted by the RFF-activators to RFF log-manager. QSOs conducted since 00:00 UTC of January 01 and until 23:59 UTC of December 31 of the reviewed year are counted.</p> <p>2. Any valid RFF references are counted for the Rating, regardless of whether they were already credited to activators and hunters in previous years or still not.</p> <p>3. The activators rating considers only those references, where 44 or more QSOs were conducted by the activator in the reviewed year. Otherwise the reference is not taken into account in activator's result for reviewed year.</p> <p>4. RFF references are credited to hunters on the basis of QSO records in approved logs, submitted by activators, regardless of whether the RFF reference is credited to the activator or not (see Section 3).</p> <p>5. TOP-10 activators and TOP-44 hunters charts are published on the website and updated as far as submitting and approving activators logs.</p> <p>6. Activators logs are accepted for the Rating no later than January 5 of the year following the reviewed one.</p> <p>7. The final results of the year are published on the website on January 15 of the year following the reviewed one.</p> <p>8. Awarding:</p> <ul> <li>the best RFF-hunter and best RFF-activator of the year are awarded with commemorative prizes;</li> <li>RFF-hunters and RFF-activators, who took the II and III places, are awarded with commemorative certificates;</li> <li>russian RFF-hunters, who took I–III places, are awarded with commemorative certificates.</li> </ul> <p>RFF national coordinator and log-manager are not nominee for awarding.</p> <p>9. The Rules of RFF Rating may be changed in any their part during the current year. The changes are published on the website in the Rules and take effect:<br />— in terms of categories and awarding since the moment of publication depending on sponsoring;<br />— in other parts since the next year beginning.</p> <hr /> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2024" title="RFF Rating 2024" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2024</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2023" title="RFF Rating 2023. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2023. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2022" title="RFF Rating 2022. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2022. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2021" title="RFF Rating 2021. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2021. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2020" title="RFF Rating 2020. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2020. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2019" title="RFF Rating 2019. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2019. Results</a></h5> <h5><a href="http://www.outdoorqrp.org/rff/rff-rating/rff-rating-2018" title="RFF Rating 2018. Results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RFF Rating 2018. Results</a></h5> <p></p>