A Press Release shared by Kraig D. Pritts, KA2LHO, the national WWFF coordinator from the United States, informs about a new amateur radio event. It says that during this on-air event will be presented as many North American natural parks and other protected natural areas of Mexico, Canada and the United States as possible.
Information about the planned activations and other news will be published in the Facebook group Get Your Park ON! All operators are encouraged to join this Facebook group.

Kraig himself will be active as an Activator and a Hunter during “Get Your Park ON!” and he hopes that all of us will have wonderful participation from around the world. He adds:
“While this year we are focused on North America WWFF parks, we hope to expand the participation to other countries and regions in future events of this type--perhaps including the entire WWFF global family”.

Original Press Release text is below.


The first annual Amateur Radio operating event, Get Your Park ON!, will occur October 14-20, 2018 in celebration of Earth Science Week. The event is open to Amateur Radio operators around the world and is sponsored by the national affiliates of World Wide Flora and Fauna (WWFF) in Canada (VEFF), U.S. (KFF), and Mexico (XEFF). During this on-the-air celebration hams can participate in one of two ways. First, North American hams can be Activators who will set up and operate their radio stations in geological and nature centers, be they places like National or State Parks, National Monuments, protected nature habitats, or National or State Forests. Or they can be Hunters from around the world that will operate from their home stations, search out the Activators, and make over-the-air radio contacts.

Since October 1998, the American Geosciences Institute has organized Earth Science Week, a national and international event to help the public gain a better understanding and appreciation for the Earth sciences and to encourage stewardship of the Earth, a common goal shared by World Wide Flora and Fauna. Both programs encourage their participants to get outside and enjoy nature.

Get Your Park ON! will start October 14 at 0000 UTC and run through October 20 at 2359 UTC.

Adjunct to the Get Your Park ON! on the air activities, Earth Science Week 2018 engages young people and others with learning resources and activities exploring the relationship between the arts and the Earth systems. This year's theme of “Earth as Inspiration” promotes public understanding and stewardship of the planet.

Of special interest to the Amateur Radio community and their families is an “Inspired by Earth” photo contest and an Essay Contest for 6-9th graders.



Rules: https://www.facebook.com/groups/get.your.park.on/learning_content/?filter=1856536431320339&post=1466248450188707

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