Russian Nature Protecting system is a system of Specially Protected Nature Areas (SPNA) — land, water surface and airspace over them, where natural complexes and objects are located having special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health value. These natural complexes and objects are withdrawn in whole or partly from economic use and the regime of special protection is established for them.

Given the nature of the protection regime, there are the following categories of SPNA in the Russian Federation:

  1. Zapovednik (state nature reserves, including biosphere reserves);
  2. Natsionalny park (National park);
  3. Zakaznik (preserve, refuge, wildlife sanctuary, protected landscape, reserve forest etc);
  4. Pamyatnik prirody (Nature monument);
  5. Prirodny park (Natural park);
  6. Dendrologicheskiy park, botanicheskiy sad (dendrological parks and botanical gardens).

At the current time (spring 2018) we have:

  • Zapovednik: 108;
  • Natsionalny park: 54;
  • Zakaznik: 61 federal and 2'302 regional subjection;
  • Pamyatnik prirody: 7'824;
  • Prirodny park: 97;
  • Dendrologicheskiy park, botanicheskiy sad: 100;
  • SPNA of local (municipal) subjection of different categories: 1'555.

In total — 12’101 currently functioning SPNAs of federal, regional and local (municipal) subjection..

Only currently functioning SPNAs of these categories with an area of 1 and more hectares can be registered in “World Wide Flora & Fauna” (WWFF) and “Russian Flora & Fauna” (RFF) award programs. Registration means the assignment of a specific reference number of a specific RFF-nnnn  type, where “nnnn”  is a unique four-digit number.

The numbering of references in WWFF is same as their numbering in the RFF.

The national RFF coordinator is responsible for the registration of SPNAs in national RFF award program, and WWFF Directory manager  is responsible for their acception and approving in global WWFF award program on the submission of national RFF coordinator. If a new SPNA is registered, the date is indicated in RFF and WWFF Directories, when the reference to relevant SPNA became valid for awards.

When a SPNA is liquidated or merged with another SPNA to create a larger protected area with different name, the corresponding reference becomes invalid and the QSO with it no longer counts. The RFF and WWFF Directory marks the reference as "deleted" and the date with which the reference is no longer counted. Reorganization of SPNA with a change in area, category, an insignificant change of name does not lead to the deleting of the reference.

The national RFF coordinator is responsible for the formation and maintenance of the RFF Directory in the latest state. The RFF Directory is published on the national RFF web resource ( as of spring 2018) and on the WWFF website

Read again:

“Russian Flora and Fauna”. General Terms
“World Wide Flora and Fauna” series
Certificates issued
“Sanctuary Russia” series
About RFF Directory
Appendix 1. Entities of the Russian Federation and Federal Districts, their designations in the RFF Directory
Appendix 2. Territories of the Russian Federation and their designations based on the “R-150-S” award's list

RFF Award program in one file, PDF, 153 kB, v. 1.03

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